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Выбор несколько доп.групп через форум

Рекомендованные сообщения

Есть приложение Экономика. При выборе одного пункта в нём через форум, юзер добавляет в свою группу ещё и дополнительную группу. Всё работает нормально. Но я вёл на форуме ещё пункт, при выборе его юзер должен к этой дополнительной группе, ещё добавить одну. Однако при активации, юзеру не добавляется эта группа, а старая лишается.


Через админку можно легко юзеру поставить несколько доп. групп (путём зажима клавиши ctrl). А как можно было бы это сделать через форум?


Сам модуль:



* (e$30) ibEconomy
* Shop Item: Change Member Group

if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )
print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";

class class_shop_item
protected $registry;
protected $DB;
protected $settings;
protected $request;
protected $lang;
protected $member;
protected $cache;	

 * Class entry point
public function __construct( ipsRegistry $registry )
       $this->registry     =  ipsRegistry::instance();
       $this->DB           =  $this->registry->DB();
       $this->settings     =& $this->registry->fetchSettings();
       $this->request      =& $this->registry->fetchRequest();
       $this->lang         =  $this->registry->getClass('class_localization');
       $this->member       =  $this->registry->member();
       $this->memberData  	=& $this->registry->member()->fetchMemberData();
       $this->cache        =  $this->registry->cache();
       $this->caches       =& $this->registry->cache()->fetchCaches();	

//($%^   ADMIN STUFF   ^%$)//

 * Send the "Stock" Title
public function title()
	return $this->lang->words['change_member_group'];

 * Send the "Stock" Description
public function description()
	return $this->lang->words['change_member_group'];

 * Need to pick self or others applicable?
public function otherOrSelf()
	return TRUE;

 * Send the Extra Settings
public function extra_settings()
	$itemSettings = array( 0 => array( 'form_type' 	=> 'formYesNo',
									   'field' 		=> 'si_min_num',
									   'words' 		=> $this->lang->words['primary_or_secondary_group'],
									   'desc' 		=> $this->lang->words['primary_or_secondary_group_exp']
						   1 => array( 'form_type' 	=> 'formMultiDropdown',
									   'field' 		=> 'si_protected',
									   'words' 		=> $this->lang->words['which_groups_to_include'],
									   'desc' 		=> $this->lang->words['selected_groups_will_be_available_to_choose_from'],
									   'type'      => 'groups2Choose'
						   2  => array( 'form_type' => 'formMultiDropdown',
									    'field' 	=> 'si_protected_g',
									    'words' 	=> $this->lang->words['protected_groups'],
									    'desc' 		=> $this->lang->words['cannot_be_done_to_groups'],
									    'type'      => 'groups'

	return $itemSettings;

//($%^   PUBLIC STUFF   ^%$)//

 * Using Item HTML
public function usingItem($theItem)
	$itemHtml = array();

	#need member name input?
	if ( $theItem['si_other_users'] )
		$itemHtml[] = array('text' => $this->lang->words['input_member_name'], 'inputs' => "<input type='text' size='30' name='mem_name' id='mem_name1' />");

		if ( $theItem['si_allow_user_pm'] )
			$itemHtml[] = array('text' => $this->lang->words['input_message']."<br /><span class='desc'>{$this->lang->words['optional_message']}</span>", 'inputs' => "<textarea size='50' cols='40' rows='5' wrap='soft' name='message' id='message' class='multitext'></textarea>");

	#make group dropdown
	$allowedGroups = $this->registry->ecoclass->getGroups('',$theItem['si_protected'] );

	$allowedGrpsDD  = "<select id='gid' name='gid' class='input_text'>";
	$allowedGrpsDD .= "<optgroup label='{$this->lang->words['select_group']}...'>";

	foreach ($allowedGroups as $grp )
		$allowedGrpsDD .= "<option value ='{$grp[0]}'>{$grp[1]}</option>";

	$allowedGrpsDD .= "</select>";

	$itemHtml[] = array('text' => $this->lang->words['move_to_which_group'], 'inputs' => $allowedGrpsDD);

	return $itemHtml;

 * Use Item
public function useItem($theItem,$myPortItem)
	$returnMe 	= '';
	$memName  	= $this->request['mem_name'];
	$newGroup  	= $this->request['gid'];
	$usrMessage	= trim(IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->stripBadWords( $this->request['message'] ));
	$msg2send	= '';		

	if ( !$newGroup )
		$returnMe['error'] = $this->lang->words['no_group_selected'];

	#group not in allowed groups
	if ( ! in_array( $newGroup, explode(',', $theItem['si_protected']) ) )
		$returnMe['error'] = $this->lang->words['group_not_allowed'];

	#no member?
	if ( $theItem['si_other_users'] )
		if ( !$memName )
			$returnMe['error'] = $this->lang->words['no_member_entered'];
			#load item recipient
			$daMember = IPSMember::load( $memName, 'all', 'displayname' );				

		#no one found?
		if ( !$returnMe['error'] && !$daMember['member_id'] )
			$returnMe['error'] = $this->lang->words['no_member_found_by_id'];			

		#your own self, when not allowed?
		if ( !$returnMe['error'] && $daMember['member_id'] == $this->memberData['member_id'] )
			$returnMe['error'] = $this->lang->words['item_cannot_be_done_on_self'];

		#member in protected group?
		if ( !$returnMe['error'] && in_array( $daMember['member_group_id'], explode(',', $theItem['si_protected_g']) ) )
			$returnMe['error'] = $this->lang->words['member_in_protected_group'];

		#send message about item use?
		if ( $theItem['si_allow_user_pm'] && $usrMessage != "" )
			$msg2send = $usrMessage;
			$sender = $this->memberData['member_id'];
		else if ( trim($theItem['si_default_pm']) != "" )
			$msg2send = trim($theItem['si_default_pm']);
		$daMember = $this->memberData;

	#member already in that primary group?
	if ( !$returnMe['error'] && $daMember['member_group_id'] == $newGroup )
		$returnMe['error'] = $this->lang->words['member_already_in_that_primary_group'];

	#member already in that secondary group?
	if ( !$returnMe['error'] && in_array( $newGroup, explode(',', $daMember['mgroup_others']) ) )
		$returnMe['error'] = $this->lang->words['member_already_in_that_secondary_group'];

	#no errors, use it!
	if ( ! $returnMe['error'] )
		#use it
		$this->doUseItem($daMember, $newGroup, $theItem);

		#send PM
		if ( $msg2send != '' )
			$title = sprintf( $this->lang->words['shop_item_used_on_you'], $theItem['si_title'] );

			$this->registry->ecoclass->sendPM($daMember['member_id'] , '', 0, '', 'generic', $msg2send, $title, $sender, $this->caches['group_cache'][$newGroup]['g_title'] );			

		#finish up
		$this->registry->ecoclass->finishUpItemUse($theItem,$myPortItem,$daMember['members_display_name'] != $this->memberData['members_display_name'] ? $daMember['members_display_name'].' - '.$this->caches['group_cache'][$newGroup]['g_title'] : $this->caches['group_cache'][$newGroup]['g_title']);

		#add to redirect text
		$returnMe['redirect_text'] = $this->lang->words['user_group_has_been_adjusted'];

	return $returnMe;

public function doUseItem($member, $newGroup, $theItem)
	#do primary group...
	if ( !$theItem['si_min_num'] )
		IPSMember::save( $member['member_id'], array( 'members' => array( 'member_group_id' => $newGroup ) ) );

	#do secondary group
		$newSecondaryGrps = ( $member['mgroup_others'] ) ? $member['mgroup_others'].$newGroup.',' : ','.$newGroup.',';

		IPSMember::save( $member['member_id'], array( 'members' => array( 'mgroup_others' => $newSecondaryGrps ) ) );


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