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Не сортируются сообщения IPB 3.3.4

Рекомендованные сообщения

Всем доброго время суток.. Столкнулся с такой проблемой, не сортируются сообщения в теме. А точнее сортируются но не так как мне нужно.. Я выставил сортировку от Я до А а сортируются они от А до Я. После написания сообщения они становятся правильно но после обновления страницы они подымаются в первый пост. может кто то знает в чем может быть проблема?!?!? Я уже голову сломал..

Вот изменения которые я делал до этого инцидента:

Змамина код со старого форума applications/forums/modules_admin/forums/forums.php потому что в АЦ не открывалась вкладка форумы я вот думаю что то тут не правильно..


Вот код:




* Invision Power Services

* IP.Board v3.3.4

* Forum management

* Last Updated: $Date: 2012-06-15 08:09:05 -0400 (Fri, 15 Jun 2012) $




* @author $Author: AndyMillne $

* @copyright © 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.

* @license Nulled by IPBZona.ru

* @package IP.Board

* @subpackage Forums

* @link http://www.invisionpower.com

* @since Tuesday 17th August 2004

* @version $Revision: 10929 $



if ( ! defined( 'IN_ACP' ) )


print "

Incorrect access

You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded 'admin.php'.";




class admin_forums_forums_forums extends ipsCommand



* Skin HTML object


* @var object


protected $html;



* Main entry point


* @param object ipsRegistry reference

* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function doExecute( ipsRegistry $registry )



// Load skin & lang



$this->html = $this->registry->output->loadTemplate( 'cp_skin_forums' );

$this->html->form_code = 'module=forums&section=forums&';

$this->html->form_code_js = 'module=forums&section=forums&';


$this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'admin_forums' ) );






$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->html =& $this->html;


/* Load tagging stuff */

if ( ! $this->registry->isClassLoaded('tags') )


require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/tags/bootstrap.php' );/*noLibHook*/

$this->registry->setClass( 'tags', classes_tags_bootstrap::run( 'forums', 'topics' ) );



/* Init */

if ( ! $this->registry->isClassLoaded('topics') )


$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'forums' ) . "/sources/classes/topics.php", 'app_forums_classes_topics', 'forums' );

$this->registry->setClass( 'topics', new $classToLoad( $this->registry ) );




// To do...



switch( $this->request['do'] )


case 'forum_add':

case 'new':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_add' );

$this->forumForm( 'new' );


case 'donew':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_add' );

$this->forumSave( 'new' );


//------------------- ----------------------

case 'edit':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_edit' );

$this->forumForm( 'edit' );


case 'doedit':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_edit' );

$this->forumSave( 'edit' );



case 'pedit':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_permissions' );



case 'pdoedit':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_permissions' );




case 'doreorder':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_reorder' );




case 'delete':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_delete' );



case 'dodelete':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_delete' );




case 'recount':




case 'empty':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_empty' );



case 'doempty':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_empty' );




case 'frules':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_rules' );



case 'dorules':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_rules' );




case 'skinedit':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_skins' );



case 'doskinedit':

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'forums_skins' );




case 'forums_overview':


$this->request['do'] = 'forums_overview';






// Pass to CP output hander



$this->registry->output->html_main .= $this->registry->output->global_template->global_frame_wrapper();





* Edit skins assigned to forums


* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function skinEdit()


/* INI */

$this->request['f'] = intval( $this->request['f'] );


if( $this->request['f'] == "" )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid'], 1131 );



/* Forum Data */

$forum = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id[ $this->request['f'] ];


/* Check the forum */

if ( ! $forum['id'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid'], 1132 );



if ( ! $forum['skin_id'] )


$forum['skin_id'] = -1;



/* Skins */

$skin_list = array_merge( array( array( -1, $this->lang->words['for_noneall'] ) ), $this->registry->output->generateSkinDropdown() );


/* Form Data */

$forum['fsid'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( 'fsid', $skin_list, $forum['skin_id'] );

$forum['apply_to_children'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'apply_to_children' );


/* Output */

$this->registry->output->extra_nav[] = array( '', $this->lang->words['modify_skin_head'] );

$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->forumSkinOptions( $this->request['f'], $forum );




* Save the skin assigned to the forum


* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function doSkinEdit()


/* INI */

$this->request['f'] = intval( $this->request['f'] );


/* Check the forum */

if ($this->request['f'] == "")


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid'], 1133 );



/* Forum Data */

$forum = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id[ $this->request['f'] ];


/* Update the forum */

$this->DB->update( 'forums', array( 'skin_id' => $this->request['fsid'] ), 'id='.$this->request['f'] );


/* Apply to children */

if( $this->request['apply_to_children'] )


$ids = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsGetChildren( $this->request['f'] );


if ( count( $ids ) )


$this->DB->update( 'forums', array( 'skin_id' => $this->request['fsid'] ), 'id IN ('.implode(",",$ids).')' );




$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['for_skinup'];




/* Bounce */

$this->request['f'] = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id[ $this->request['f'] ]['parent_id'];





* Show the form to edit rules


* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function showRules()


/* INI */

$this->request['f'] = intval( $this->request['f'] );


if( ! $this->request['f'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid'], 1134 );



$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'id, name, show_rules, rules_title, rules_text, rules_raw_html', 'from' => 'forums', 'where' => "id=".$this->request['f'] ) );




// Make sure we have a legal forum



if ( ! $this->DB->getTotalRows() )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid'], 1135 );



$forum = $this->DB->fetch();


/* Load editor stuff */

$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );

$_editor = new $classToLoad();


$_editor->setAllowHtml( 1 );

$_editor->setAllowSmilies( 1 );

$_editor->setContent( $forum['rules_text'], 'rules' );


$forum['_editor'] = $_editor->show( 'body', array( 'height' => 350, 'isHtml' => 1 ) );


/* Form Fields */

$forum['_show_rules'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( "show_rules", array(

array( '0' , $this->lang->words['for_rulesdont'] ),

array( '1' , $this->lang->words['for_ruleslink'] ),

array( '2' , $this->lang->words['for_rulesfull'] )

), $forum['show_rules'] );


$forum['_title'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( "title", IPSText::stripslashes( str_replace( "'", ''', $forum['rules_title'] ) ) );


$forum['rules_raw_html'] = $this->registry->output->formCheckbox( 'rules_raw_html', $forum['rules_raw_html'] );


/* Output */

$this->registry->output->extra_nav[] = array( '', $this->lang->words['frm_rulessetup'] );

$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->forumRulesForm( $forum['id'], $forum );




* Save the forum rules


* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function doRules()


/* INI */

$this->request['f'] = intval( $this->request['f'] );


if( $this->request['f'] == "" )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid'], 1136 );



/* Load editor stuff */

$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );

$_editor = new $classToLoad();


/* About me editor */

$_editor->setAllowHtml( 1 );

$_editor->setAllowSmilies( 0 );


$_POST['body'] = $_editor->process( $_POST['body'] );


IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parsing_section = 'rules';

$_POST['body'] = IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->preDbParse( $_POST['body'] );


$rules = array(

'rules_title' => IPSText::stripslashes( $_POST['title'] ),

'rules_text' => IPSText::stripslashes( $_POST['body'] ),

'show_rules' => $this->request['show_rules'],

//'rules_raw_html' => intval($this->request['rules_raw_html']),



$this->DB->update( 'forums', $rules, 'id='.$this->request['f'] );


$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['for_rulesup'];



// Bounce back to parent...



$this->request['f'] = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id[ $this->request['f'] ]['parent_id'];





* Recount the forum


* @param integer [optional] Forum id

* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function recount($f_override="")



// Remap



if( $f_override )


ipsRegistry::$request['f'] = $f_override;



$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'forums' ) . '/sources/classes/moderate.php', 'moderatorLibrary', 'forums' );

$modfunc = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );




$this->registry->adminFunctions->saveAdminLog( sprintf( $this->lang->words['for_recountedlog'], $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id[$this->request['f']]['name'] ) );


$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['for_resynched'];



// Bounce back to parent...



ipsRegistry::$request['f'] = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id[ $this->request['f'] ]['parent_id'] ;





* Show the form to empty a forum


* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function emptyForum()


/* INI */

$this->request['f'] = intval( $this->request['f'] );

$form_array = array();


if( !$this->request['f'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid'], 1137 );



$forum = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'id, name', 'from' => 'forums', 'where' => "id=" . $this->request['f'] ) );



// Make sure we have a legal forum



if ( ! $forum['id'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid'], 1138 );



/* Now lets check and see if we've any archived topics and that */

$count = $this->registry->topics->getTopics( array( 'forumId' => array( $forum['id'] ),

'archiveState' => array( 'archived', 'working', 'restore' ),

'getCountOnly' => true ) );


if ( $count )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['contains_archived_topics_so_there_haha'], '1138.1' );





$this->registry->output->extra_nav[] = array( '', $this->lang->words['frm_emptytitle'] );

$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->forumEmptyForum( $forum );




* Empty a forum


* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function doEmpty()


/* INI */

$this->request['f'] = intval( $this->request['f'] );

$soFar = intval($this->request['sofar']);

$thisCycle = 0;



// Get module



$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'forums' ) . '/sources/classes/moderate.php', 'moderatorLibrary', 'forums' );

$modfunc = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );


if( !$this->request['f'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid_source'], 1139 );




// Check to make sure its a valid forum.



$forum = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'id, name, posts, topics', 'from' => 'forums', 'where' => "id=" . $this->request['f'] ) );


if( !$forum['id'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_nodetails'], 11310 );



$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'tid', 'from' => 'topics', 'where' => "forum_id=" . $this->request['f'], 'limit' => array( 0, 200 ) ) );

$outer = $this->DB->execute();



// What to do..



while( $t = $this->DB->fetch($outer) )


$modfunc->topicDeleteFromDB( $t['tid'] );





// Rebuild stats and cache if we're done



if( !$thisCycle )


$modfunc->forumRecount( $this->request['f'] );


$this->cache->rebuildCache( 'stats', 'global' );


$this->registry->adminFunctions->saveAdminLog( sprintf( $this->lang->words['for_emptiedlog'], $forum['name'] ) );


$this->request['f'] = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id[ $this->request['f'] ]['parent_id'];


$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['for_emptied'];





$soFar = $soFar + $thisCycle;

$this->registry->output->html .= $this->registry->output->global_template->temporaryRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'] . $this->html->form_code . "&do=doempty&f={$this->request['f']}&sofar={$soFar}", sprintf( $this->lang->words['emptyforum_sofarcycle'], $soFar ) );





* Show the form to delete a form


* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function deleteForm()



// Init



$this->request['f'] = intval( $this->request['f'] );

$form_array = array();

if ( ! $this->request['f'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid_delete'], 11311 );



$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'id, name, parent_id', 'from' => 'forums', 'order' => 'position' ) );

$forums = $this->DB->execute($forums);


if( $this->DB->getTotalRows() < 2 )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_lastforum'], 11312 );



/* Now lets check and see if we've any archived topics and that */

$count = $this->registry->topics->getTopics( array( 'forumId' => array( $this->request['f'] ),

'archiveState' => array( 'archived', 'working', 'restore' ),

'getCountOnly' => true ) );


if ( $count )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['contains_archived_topics_so_there_haha'], '11312.1' );



while( $r = $this->DB->fetch( $forums ) )



if( $r['id'] == $this->request['f'] )



$name = $r['name'];

$is_cat = $r['parent_id'] > 0 ? 0 : 1;






// Where would you like to move topics?



$posts = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'count(*) as count', 'from' => 'topics', 'where' => 'forum_id='.$this->request['f'] ) );

if( $posts['count'] )


$move = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( "MOVE_ID", array_merge( array( array( 0, $this->lang->words['forum_delete_select'] ) ), $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->adForumsForumList( 1, TRUE, array( $this->request['f'] ) ) ) );




// Where would you like to move subforums?



$subforums = array();

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'id', 'from' => 'forums', 'where' => "parent_id={$this->request['f']}" ) );


while ( $row = $this->DB->fetch() )


$subforums[] = $row['id'];



if ( !empty( $subforums ) )


$subforums[] = $this->request['f'];

$subs = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( "new_parent_id", array_merge( array( array( 0, $this->lang->words['forum_delete_select'] ) ), $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->adForumsForumList( FALSE, FALSE, $subforums ) ) );




// Output



/* Output */

$this->registry->output->extra_nav[] = array( '', $this->lang->words['frm_deletebutton'] );

$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->forumDeleteForm( $this->request['f'], $name, $move, $is_cat, $subs );




* Delete a forum


* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function doDelete()



// Auth check...






// Continue



$this->request['f'] = intval( $this->request['f'] );

$this->request['new_parent_id'] = intval( $this->request['new_parent_id'] );


$forum = $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id[ $this->request['f'] ];


if( ! $forum['id'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid_source'], 11313 );



if( ! $this->request['new_parent_id'] )


$this->request['new_parent_id'] = -1;




if( $this->request['new_parent_id'] == $this->request['f'] )


$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['for_child_no_parent'];







// Would deleting this category orphan the only

// remaining forums?



if( $forum['parent_id'] == -1 )


$otherParent = 0;


foreach( $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id as $id => $data )


if( $data['parent_id'] == -1 )


$otherParent = $id;





if( !$otherParent )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['nodelete_last_cat'], 11364 );





// Get library



$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'forums' ) . '/sources/classes/moderate.php', 'moderatorLibrary', 'forums' );

$modfunc = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );


/* Load tagging stuff */

if ( ! $this->registry->isClassLoaded('tags') )


require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/tags/bootstrap.php' );/*noLibHook*/

$this->registry->setClass( 'tags', classes_tags_bootstrap::run( 'forums', 'topics' ) );




// Move stuff



if ( isset( $this->request['MOVE_ID'] ) )


$this->request['MOVE_ID'] = intval( $this->request['MOVE_ID'] );


if ( ! $this->request['MOVE_ID'] )


$this->registry->output->global_error = $this->lang->words['forum_delete_none_selected'];





if ( $this->request['MOVE_ID'] == $this->request['f'] )


$this->registry->output->global_error = $this->lang->words['for_wherewhatwhy'];






// Move topics...



$this->DB->update( 'topics', array( 'forum_id' => $this->request['MOVE_ID'] ), 'forum_id='.$this->request['f'] );



// Move polls...



$this->DB->update( 'polls', array( 'forum_id' => $this->request['MOVE_ID'] ), 'forum_id='.$this->request['f'] );



// Move voters...



$this->DB->update( 'voters', array( 'forum_id' => $this->request['MOVE_ID'] ), 'forum_id='.$this->request['f'] );


/* Move tags */

$this->registry->tags->moveTagsByParentId( $this->request['f'], $this->request['MOVE_ID'] );


$modfunc->forumRecount( $this->request['MOVE_ID'] );




// Delete the forum



$this->DB->delete( 'forums', "id=".$this->request['f'] );

$this->DB->delete( 'permission_index', "app='forums' AND perm_type='forum' AND perm_type_id=".$this->request['f'] );



// Remove moderators from this forum



$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'moderators', 'where' => "forum_id LIKE '%,{$this->request['f']},%'" ) );

$outer = $this->DB->execute();


while( $r = $this->DB->fetch($outer) )


$forums = explode( ',', IPSText::cleanPermString( $r['forum_id'] ) );

$newForums = array();


foreach( $forums as $aForumId )


if( $aForumId != $this->request['f'] )


$newForums[] = $aForumId;




if( !count($newForums) )


$this->DB->delete( 'moderators', "mid=" . $r['mid'] );




$this->DB->update( 'moderators', array( 'forum_id' => ',' . implode( ',', $newForums ) . ',' ), 'mid=' . $r['mid'] );





// Delete forum subscriptions



require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/like/composite.php' );/*noLibHook*/

$_like = classes_like::bootstrap( 'forums', 'forums' );

$_like->remove( $this->request['f'] );



// Update children



$this->DB->update( 'forums', array( 'parent_id' => $this->request['new_parent_id'] ), "parent_id=" . $this->request['f'] );



// Rebuild moderator cache



$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadActionOverloader( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'forums' ) . '/modules_admin/forums/moderator.php', 'admin_forums_forums_moderator' );

$moderator = new $classToLoad();

$moderator->makeRegistryShortcuts( $this->registry );



$this->registry->adminFunctions->saveAdminLog( sprintf( $this->lang->words['for_removedlog'], $forum['name'] ) );


$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['for_removed'];

$this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $this->settings['base_url'] . $this->form_code );




* Show the form to edit a forum


* @param string [new|edit]

* @param boolean Whether to change forum to category/back

* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function forumForm( $type='edit', $changetype=0 )






$addnew_type = ( isset( $this->request['type'] ) ) ? $this->request['type'] : 'forum';


$form = array();

$forum = array();

$forum_id = $this->request['f'] ? intval( $this->request['f'] ) : 0;

$parentid = intval( $this->request['p'] ) ? intval( $this->request['p'] ) : -1;

$cat_id = $this->request['c'] ? intval( $this->request['c'] ) : 0;

$f_name = $this->request['name'] ? $this->request['name'] : '';

$subcanpost = $cat_id == 1 ? 0 : 1;

$perm_matrix = "";

$dd_state = array( 0 => array( 1, $this->lang->words['for_active'] ), 1 => array( 0, $this->lang->words['for_readonly'] ) );

$dd_moderate = array(

0 => array( 0, $this->lang->words['for_no'] ),

1 => array( 1, $this->lang->words['for_modall'] ),

2 => array( 2, $this->lang->words['for_modtop'] ),

3 => array( 3, $this->lang->words['for_modrep'] ),


$dd_prune = array(

0 => array( 1, $this->lang->words['for_today'] ),

1 => array( 5, $this->lang->words['for_last5'] ),

2 => array( 7, $this->lang->words['for_last7'] ),

3 => array( 10, $this->lang->words['for_last10'] ),

4 => array( 15, $this->lang->words['for_last15'] ),

5 => array( 20, $this->lang->words['for_last20'] ),

6 => array( 25, $this->lang->words['for_last25'] ),

7 => array( 30, $this->lang->words['for_last30'] ),

8 => array( 60, $this->lang->words['for_last60'] ),

9 => array( 90, $this->lang->words['for_last90'] ),

10=> array( 100, $this->lang->words['for_showall'] ),



$dd_order = array(

0 => array( 'last_post', $this->lang->words['for_s_last'] ),

1 => array( 'title' , $this->lang->words['for_s_topic'] ),

2 => array( 'starter_name', $this->lang->words['for_s_name'] ),

3 => array( 'posts' , $this->lang->words['for_s_post'] ),

4 => array( 'views' , $this->lang->words['for_s_view'] ),

5 => array( 'start_date', $this->lang->words['for_s_date'] ),

6 => array( 'last_poster_name' , $this->lang->words['for_s_poster'] )



$dd_by = array(

0 => array( 'Z-A', $this->lang->words['for_desc'] ),

1 => array( 'A-Z', $this->lang->words['for_asc'] )



$dd_filter = array(

0 => array( 'all', $this->lang->words['for_all'] ),

1 => array( 'open', $this->lang->words['for_open'] ),

2 => array( 'hot', $this->lang->words['for_hot'] ),

3 => array( 'poll', $this->lang->words['for_poll'] ),

4 => array( 'locked', $this->lang->words['for_locked'] ),

5 => array( 'moved', $this->lang->words['for_moved'] ),

6 => array( 'istarted', $this->lang->words['for_istarted'] ),

7 => array( 'ireplied', $this->lang->words['for_ireplied'] ),







if ( $type == 'edit' or $this->request['duplicate'] )



// Check



if ( ! $forum_id )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noforumselected'], 11314 );




// Do not show forum in forum list



$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->exclude_from_list = $forum_id;



// Get this forum



$forum = $this->registry->class_forums->getForumById( $forum_id );



// Check



if( !$forum['id'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid'], 11315 );




// Set up code buttons



$addnew_type = $forum['parent_id'] == -1 ? 'category' : 'forum';


if( $changetype )


$addnew_type = $addnew_type == 'category' ? 'forum' : 'category';



if( $addnew_type == 'category' )


$title = sprintf( $this->lang->words['for_editcat'], $forum['name'] );

$button = $this->lang->words['for_editcat_button'];

$code = "doedit";




$title = sprintf( $this->lang->words['for_editfor'], $forum['name'] );

$button = $this->lang->words['for_editfor_button'];

$code = "doedit";




// Duplicating?



if ( $this->request['duplicate'] )


$forum['id'] = 0;

$this->request['f'] = 0;

$code = 'donew';





// NEW





# Ensure there is an ID

$this->request['f'] = 0;


if( $changetype )


$addnew_type = $addnew_type == 'category' ? 'forum' : 'category';



if( $addnew_type == 'category' )


$forum = array(

'sub_can_post' => $subcanpost,

'name' => $f_name ? $f_name : $this->lang->words['for_newcat'],

'parent_id' => $parentid,

'use_ibc' => 1,

'allow_poll' => 1,

'prune' => 100,

'topicfilter' => 'all',

'sort_key' => 'last_post',

'sort_order' => 'Z-A',

'inc_postcount' => 1,

'description' => '',

'redirect_url' => '',

'password' => '',

'password_override' => '',

'redirect_on' => 0,

'redirect_hits' => 0,

'permission_showtopic' => '',

'permission_custom_error' => '',

'use_html' => 0,

'allow_pollbump' => 0,

'forum_allow_rating' => 0,

'preview_posts' => 0,

'notify_modq_emails' => 0,

'can_view_others' => 1,




$title = $this->lang->words['for_addcat'];

$button = $this->lang->words['for_addcat'];

$code = "donew";




$forum = array(

'sub_can_post' => $subcanpost,

'name' => $f_name ? $f_name : $this->lang->words['for_newfor'],

'parent_id' => $parentid,

'use_ibc' => 1,

'allow_poll' => 1,

'prune' => 100,

'topicfilter' => 'all',

'sort_key' => 'last_post',

'sort_order' => 'Z-A',

'inc_postcount' => 1,

'description' => '',

'redirect_url' => '',

'password' => '',

'password_override' => '',

'redirect_on' => 0,

'redirect_hits' => 0,

'permission_showtopic' => '',

'permission_custom_error' => '',

'use_html' => 0,

'allow_pollbump' => 0,

'forum_allow_rating' => 0,

'preview_posts' => 0,

'notify_modq_emails' => 0,

'min_posts' => 0,

'hide_last_info' => 0,

'can_view_others' => 1,



$title = $this->lang->words['for_addfor'];

$button = $this->lang->words['for_addfor'];

$code = "donew";





// Build forumlist



$forumlist = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->adForumsForumList();



// Build group list



$mem_group = array();


foreach( $this->caches['group_cache'] as $g_id => $group )


$mem_group[] = array( $g_id , $group['g_title'] );




// Generate form items



# Main settings

$form['name'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'name' , IPSText::parseCleanValue( !empty( $_POST['name'] ) ? $_POST['name'] : $forum['name'] ) );

$form['description'] = $this->registry->output->formTextarea("description" , IPSText::br2nl( !empty( $_POST['description']) ? $_POST['description'] : $forum['description'] ) );

$form['parent_id'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown("parent_id" , $forumlist, !empty($_POST['parent_id'] ) ? $_POST['parent_id'] : $forum['parent_id'] );

$form['sub_can_post'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'sub_can_post', !empty($_POST['sub_can_post']) ? $_POST['sub_can_post'] : ( $forum['sub_can_post'] == 1 ? 0 : 1 ) );


# Redirect options

$form['redirect_url'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'redirect_url' , !empty($_POST['redirect_url']) ? $_POST['redirect_url'] : $forum['redirect_url'] );

$form['redirect_on'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo('redirect_on' , !empty($_POST['redirect_on']) ? $_POST['redirect_on'] : $forum['redirect_on'] );

$form['redirect_hits'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'redirect_hits', !empty($_POST['redirect_hits']) ? $_POST['redirect_hits'] : $forum['redirect_hits'] );


# Permission settings

$form['permission_showtopic'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'permission_showtopic' , !empty($_POST['permission_showtopic']) ? $_POST['permission_showtopic'] : $forum['permission_showtopic'] );

$form['permission_custom_error'] = $this->registry->output->formTextarea("permission_custom_error", IPSText::br2nl( !empty($_POST['permission_custom_error']) ? $_POST['permission_custom_error'] : $forum['permission_custom_error'] ) );


# Forum settings

$form['use_html'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo('use_html' , !empty($_POST['use_html']) ? $_POST['use_html'] : $forum['use_html'] );

$form['use_ibc'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo('use_ibc' , !empty($_POST['use_ibc']) ? $_POST['use_ibc'] : $forum['use_ibc'] );

$form['allow_poll'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo('allow_poll' , !empty($_POST['allow_poll']) ? $_POST['allow_poll'] : $forum['allow_poll'] );

$form['allow_pollbump'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo('allow_pollbump' , !empty($_POST['allow_pollbump']) ? $_POST['allow_pollbump'] : $forum['allow_pollbump'] );

$form['inc_postcount'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo('inc_postcount' , !empty($_POST['inc_postcount']) ? $_POST['inc_postcount'] : $forum['inc_postcount'] );

$form['forum_allow_rating'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo('forum_allow_rating', !empty($_POST['forum_allow_rating']) ? $_POST['forum_allow_rating'] : $forum['forum_allow_rating'] );

$form['min_posts_post'] = $this->registry->output->formInput('min_posts_post' , !empty($_POST['min_posts_post']) ? $_POST['min_posts_post'] : $forum['min_posts_post'] );

$form['min_posts_view'] = $this->registry->output->formInput('min_posts_view' , !empty($_POST['min_posts_view']) ? $_POST['min_posts_view'] : $forum['min_posts_view'] );

$form['can_view_others'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo('can_view_others' , !empty($_POST['can_view_others']) ? $_POST['can_view_others'] : $forum['can_view_others'] );

$form['hide_last_info'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo('hide_last_info' , !empty($_POST['hide_last_info']) ? $_POST['hide_last_info'] : $forum['hide_last_info'] );

$form['disable_sharelinks'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo('disable_sharelinks' , !empty($_POST['disable_sharelinks']) ? $_POST['disable_sharelinks'] : $forum['disable_sharelinks'] );


# Mod settings

$form['preview_posts'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( "preview_posts" , $dd_moderate, !empty($_POST['preview_posts']) ? $_POST['preview_posts'] : $forum['preview_posts'] );

$form['notify_modq_emails'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'notify_modq_emails' , !empty($_POST['notify_modq_emails']) ? $_POST['notify_modq_emails'] : $forum['notify_modq_emails'] );

$form['password'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'password' , !empty($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : $forum['password'] );

$form['password_override'] = $this->registry->output->formMultiDropdown( 'password_override[]' , $mem_group, !empty($_POST['password_override']) ? $_POST['password_override'] : explode( ",", $forum['password_override'] ) );


# Sorting settings

$form['prune'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown("prune" , $dd_prune, !empty($_POST['prune']) ? $_POST['prune'] : $forum['prune'] );

$form['sort_key'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown("sort_key" , $dd_order, !empty($_POST['sort_key']) ? $_POST['sort_key'] : $forum['sort_key'] );

$form['sort_order'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown("sort_order", $dd_by , !empty($_POST['sort_order']) ? $_POST['sort_order'] : $forum['sort_order'] );

$form['topicfilter'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown("topicfilter", $dd_filter, !empty($_POST['topicfilter']) ? $_POST['topicfilter'] : $forum['topicfilter'] );


$form['bw_disable_tagging'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo("bw_disable_tagging", !empty($_POST['bw_disable_tagging']) ? $_POST['bw_disable_tagging'] : $forum['bw_disable_tagging'] );

$form['bw_disable_prefixes'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo("bw_disable_prefixes", !empty($_POST['bw_disable_prefixes']) ? $_POST['bw_disable_prefixes'] : $forum['bw_disable_prefixes'] );

$form['tag_predefined'] = $this->registry->output->formTextarea("tag_predefined", IPSText::br2nl( !empty($_POST['tag_predefined']) ? $_POST['tag_predefined'] : $forum['tag_predefined'] ) );



# Trim the form for categories...

$form['addnew_type'] = $addnew_type;

$this->request['type'] = $addnew_type;

$form['addnew_type_upper'] = ucwords($addnew_type);



// Show permission matrix



if ( $type != 'edit' OR $addnew_type == 'category' )


/* Permission Class */

$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/class_public_permissions.php', 'classPublicPermissions' );

$permissions = new $classToLoad( ipsRegistry::instance() );


if( $addnew_type == 'category' )


$perm_matrix = $permissions->adminPermMatrix( 'forum', $forum, 'forums', 'view' );




$perm_matrix = $permissions->adminPermMatrix( 'forum', $forum );




/* Application Tabs */

$form['tabStrip'] = '';

$form['tabContent'] = '';


$tabsUsed = 2;

$firstTab = empty($this->request['_initTab']) ? false : trim($this->request['_initTab']);


IPSLib::loadInterface( 'admin/forum_form.php' );


foreach( IPSLib::getEnabledApplications() as $app_dir => $app_data )


if ( is_file( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/extensions/admin/forum_form.php' ) )


$_class = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/extensions/admin/forum_form.php', 'admin_forum_form__'.$app_dir, $app_dir );


if ( class_exists( $_class ) )


$_object = new $_class( $this->registry );


$data = $_object->getDisplayContent( $forum, $tabsUsed );

$form['tabContent'] .= $data['content'];

$form['tabStrip'] .= $data['tabs'];


$tabsUsed = $data['tabsUsed'] ? ( $tabsUsed + $data['tabsUsed'] ) : ( $tabsUsed + 1 );


if ( $this->request['_initTab'] == $app_dir )


$firstTab = $tabsUsed;







// Show form...



$this->registry->output->extra_nav[] = array( '', $title );

$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->forumForm( $form, $button, $code, $title, $forum, $perm_matrix, $firstTab );




* Save the forum


* @param string $type [new|edit]

* @return @e void


public function forumSave( $type='new' )


/* If this is not a redirect forum anymore empty the redirect url - #35126 */

if ( $this->request['forum_type'] != 'redirect' )


$this->request['redirect_url'] = '';




// Converting the type?



if( $this->request['convert'] )


$this->forumForm( $type, 1 );








$this->request['name'] = trim( $this->request['name'] );

$this->request['f'] = intval( $this->request['f'] );

$this->request['parent_id'] = !empty($this->request['parent_id']) ? intval($this->request['parent_id']) : -1;

$forum_cat_lang = intval( $this->request['parent_id'] ) == -1 ? $this->lang->words['for_iscat_y'] : $this->lang->words['for_iscat_n'];



// Auth check...






// Check



if( $this->request['name'] == "" )


$this->registry->output->global_message = sprintf( $this->lang->words['for_entertitle'], mb_strtolower( $forum_cat_lang ) );

$this->forumForm( $type );





// Are we trying to do something stupid

// like running with scissors or moving

// the parent of a forum into itself

// spot?



if( $this->request['parent_id'] != $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id[ $this->request['f'] ]['parent_id'] )


$ids = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsGetChildren( $this->request['f'] );

$ids[] = $this->request['f'];


if ( in_array( $this->request['parent_id'], $ids ) )


$this->registry->output->global_error = $this->lang->words['for_whymovethere'];

$this->forumForm( $type );





//if( $this->request['parent_id'] < 1 )


// $this->request['sub_can_post'] = 1;




// Save array



$save = array( 'name' => IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->xssHtmlClean( nl2br( IPSText::stripslashes( $_POST['name'] ) ) ),

'name_seo' => IPSText::makeSeoTitle( $this->request['name'] ),

'description' => IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->xssHtmlClean( nl2br( IPSText::stripslashes( $_POST['description'] ) ) ),

'use_ibc' => isset( $this->request['use_ibc'] ) ? intval($this->request['use_ibc']) : 1,

'use_html' => intval($this->request['use_html']),

'password' => $this->request['password'],

'password_override' => is_array($this->request['password_override']) ? implode( ",", $this->request['password_override'] ) : '',

'sort_key' => $this->request['sort_key'],

'sort_order' => $this->request['sort_order'],

'prune' => intval($this->request['prune']),

'topicfilter' => $this->request['topicfilter'],

'preview_posts' => intval($this->request['preview_posts']),

'allow_poll' => intval($this->request['allow_poll']),

'allow_pollbump' => intval($this->request['allow_pollbump']),

'forum_allow_rating' => intval($this->request['forum_allow_rating']),

'inc_postcount' => intval($this->request['inc_postcount']),

'parent_id' => intval($this->request['parent_id']),

'sub_can_post' => intval($this->request['sub_can_post']),

'redirect_on' => intval($this->request['redirect_on']),

'redirect_hits' => intval($this->request['redirect_hits']),

'redirect_url' => $this->request['redirect_url'],

'notify_modq_emails' => $this->request['notify_modq_emails'],

'permission_showtopic' => $this->request['parent_id'] == -1 ? 1 : intval($this->request['permission_showtopic']),

'min_posts_post' => intval( $this->request['min_posts_post'] ),

'min_posts_view' => intval( $this->request['min_posts_view'] ),

'can_view_others' => intval( $this->request['can_view_others'] ),

'hide_last_info' => intval( $this->request['hide_last_info'] ),

'disable_sharelinks' => intval( $this->request['disable_sharelinks'] ),

'tag_predefined' => $this->request['tag_predefined'],

'forums_bitoptions' => IPSBWOPtions::freeze( $this->request, 'forums', 'forums' ),

'permission_custom_error' => nl2br( IPSText::stripslashes($_POST['permission_custom_error']) ) );


/* Save data from application tabs */

IPSLib::loadInterface( 'admin/forum_form.php' );


$_forumPlugins = array();


foreach( IPSLib::getEnabledApplications() as $app_dir => $app_data )


if ( is_file( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/extensions/admin/forum_form.php' ) )


$_class = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/extensions/admin/forum_form.php', 'admin_forum_form__'.$app_dir, $app_dir );

$_forumPlugins[ $_class ] = new $_class( $this->registry );


$remote = $_forumPlugins[ $_class ]->getForSave();


$save = array_merge( $save, $remote );





// ADD



if ( $type == 'new' )


$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'MAX(id) as top_forum', 'from' => 'forums' ) );



$row = $this->DB->fetch();


if ( $row['top_forum'] < 1 )


$row['top_forum'] = 0;





/* Forum Information */

//$save['id'] = $row['top_forum'];

$save['position'] = $row['top_forum'];

$save['topics'] = 0;

$save['posts'] = 0;

$save['last_post'] = 0;

$save['last_poster_id'] = 0;

$save['last_poster_name'] = "";


/* Insert the record */

$this->DB->insert( 'forums', $save );

$forum_id = $this->DB->getInsertId();


/* Permissions */

$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/class_public_permissions.php', 'classPublicPermissions' );

$permissions = new $classToLoad( ipsRegistry::instance() );

$permissions->savePermMatrix( $this->request['perms'], $forum_id, 'forum' );


if( !$save['can_view_others'] )


$this->DB->update( 'permission_index', array( 'owner_only' => 1 ), "app='forums' AND perm_type='forum' AND perm_type_id={$forum_id}" );



/* Done */

$this->registry->output->global_message = $forum_cat_lang . $this->lang->words['for__created'];

$this->registry->adminFunctions->saveAdminLog( $forum_cat_lang . " '" . $this->request['name'] . "'" . mb_strtolower ( $this->lang->words['for__created'] ) );




$forumData = $this->registry->class_forums->getForumById( $this->request['f'] );


if ( $this->request['parent_id'] == -1 )


$save['can_view_others'] = 1;


/* Permissions */

//$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/class_public_permissions.php', 'classPublicPermissions' );

//$permissions = new $classToLoad( ipsRegistry::instance() );

//$permissions->savePermMatrix( $this->request['perms'], $this->request['f'], 'forum' );


if( ! $save['can_view_others'] )


$this->DB->update( 'permission_index', array( 'owner_only' => 1 ), "app='forums' AND perm_type='forum' AND perm_type_id={$this->request['f']}" );




$this->DB->update( 'permission_index', array( 'owner_only' => 0 ), "app='forums' AND perm_type='forum' AND perm_type_id={$this->request['f']}" );




$this->DB->update( 'forums', $save, "id=" . $this->request['f'] );

$forum_id = $this->request['f'];


/* Tags */


$this->registry->tags->updatePermssionsByParentId( $this->request['f'] );


/* Did we enable/disable tagging? @todo find a better way to do this. Perhaps another field in tags? */

if ( isset( $this->request['bw_disable_tagging'] ) )


if ( $forumData['bw_disable_tagging'] != $this->request['bw_disable_tagging'] )


$toggle = ( $this->request['bw_disable_tagging'] ) ? 0 : 1;


$this->registry->tags->updateVisibilityByParentId( $this->request['f'], $toggle );


if ( $this->request['bw_disable_tagging'] == 0 )


/* We just restored all tags, so lets return hidden topics back to 0 */

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'tid',

'from' => 'topics',

'where' => 'forum_id=' . $this->request['f'] . ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery( array( 'sdeleted', 'hidden', 'pdelete', 'oktoremove' ) ),

'order' => 'last_post DESC',

'limit' => array( 0, 500 ) ) );



$topics = array();

while( $row = $this->DB->fetch() )


$topics[] = $row['tid'];



if ( count( $topics ) )


$this->registry->tags->updateVisibilityByMetaId( $topics, 0 );






$this->registry->output->global_message = $forum_cat_lang.$this->lang->words['for__edited'];


$this->registry->adminFunctions->saveAdminLog( $forum_cat_lang." '" . $this->request['name'] . "' " . mb_strtolower ( $this->lang->words['for__edited'] ) );



$this->request['f'] = '';

if( $save['parent_id'] > 0 )


$this->request['f'] = $save['parent_id'];




// Post save callbacks



if( count($_forumPlugins) )


foreach( $_forumPlugins as $_className => $_object )


if( method_exists( $_object, 'postSave' ) )


$_object->postSave( $forum_id );











* Show the form to edit permissions


* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function permEditForm()






$this->request['f'] = intval( $this->request['f'] );



// check..



if ( ! $this->request['f'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid'], 11316 );




// Get this forum details



$forum = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id[ $this->request['f'] ];


if( $this->request['copyForumPerms'] )


$forumToCopy = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id[ $this->request['copyForumPerms'] ];


foreach( array( 'perm_view', 'perm_2', 'perm_3', 'perm_4', 'perm_5', 'perm_6' ) as $field )


$forum[ $field ] = $forumToCopy[ $field ];





// Next id...



$relative = $this->getNextId( $this->request['f'] );



// check...



if ( ! $forum['id'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['for_noid'], 11317 );







$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/class_public_permissions.php', 'classPublicPermissions' );

$permissions = new $classToLoad( ipsRegistry::instance() );


if( $forum['parent_id'] != 'root' )


$perm_matrix = $permissions->adminPermMatrix( 'forum', $forum );




$perm_matrix = $permissions->adminPermMatrix( 'forum', $forum, 'forums', 'view' );



$forumCopyDropdown = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( 'copyForumPerms', $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->adForumsForumList( TRUE, FALSE, array( $forum['id'] ) ) );


$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->forumPermissionForm( $forum, $relative, $perm_matrix, $forum, $forumCopyDropdown );




* Get the id of the next forum


* @param integer Last forum id

* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function getNextId($fid)


$nextid = 0;

$ids = array();

$index = 0;

$count = 0;


foreach( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_cache['root'] as $forum_data )


$ids[ $count ] = $forum_data['id'];


if ( $forum_data['id'] == $fid )


$index = $count;





if ( isset($this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_cache[ $forum_data['id'] ]) AND is_array( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_cache[ $forum_data['id'] ] ) )


foreach( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_cache[ $forum_data['id'] ] as $forum_data )


$children = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsGetChildren( $forum_data['id'] );


$ids[ $count ] = $forum_data['id'];


if ( $forum_data['id'] == $fid )


$index = $count;





if ( is_array($children) and count($children) )


foreach( $children as $kid )


$ids[ $count ] = $kid;


if ( $kid == $fid )


$index = $count;










return array( 'next' => $ids[ $index + 1 ], 'previous' => $ids[ $index - 1 ] );




* Save the permissions


* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function permDoEdit()


/* INI */

$perms = array();

$this->request['f'] = intval( $this->request['f'] );


/* Security Check */



/* Save the permissions */

$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/class_public_permissions.php', 'classPublicPermissions' );

$permissions = new $classToLoad( ipsRegistry::instance() );

$permissions->savePermMatrix( $this->request['perms'], $this->request['f'], 'forum' );


/* Log */

$this->registry->adminFunctions->saveAdminLog( sprintf( $this->lang->words['for_permeditedin'], $this->request['name'] ) );


/* Previous Forum */

if ( $this->request['doprevious'] AND $this->request['doprevious'] and $this->request['previd'] > 0 )


$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['for_permedited'];


$this->request['f'] = $this->request['previd'];


$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->html->form_code}do=pedit&f=" . $this->request['f'] );


/* Next Forum */

else if ( $this->request['donext'] AND $this->request['donext'] and $this->request['nextid'] > 0 )


$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['for_permedited'];


$this->request['f'] = $this->request['nextid'];


$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->html->form_code}do=pedit&f=" . $this->request['f'] );


/* Reload */

else if ( $this->request['reload'] AND $this->request['reload'] )


$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->html->form_code}do=pedit&f=" . $this->request['f'] );


/* Done */



$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['for_permedited2'];

$this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $this->settings['base_url'] . $this->form_code );





* Reorder the child forums


* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function doReorder()






$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classAjax.php', 'classAjax' );

$ajax = new $classToLoad();



// Checks...



if( $this->registry->adminFunctions->checkSecurityKey( $this->request['md5check'], true ) === false )


$ajax->returnString( $this->lang->words['postform_badmd5'] );





// Save new position



$position = 1;


if( is_array($this->request['forums']) AND count($this->request['forums']) )


foreach( $this->request['forums'] as $this_id )


$this->DB->update( 'forums', array( 'position' => $position ), 'id=' . $this_id );






$ajax->returnString( 'OK' );





* List the forums


* @return @e void Outputs to screen


public function showForums()






$this->request['f'] = intval( $this->request['f'] );



// Grab the moderators



$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->moderators = array();

$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->type = 'manage';


$this->DB->build( array(

'select' => 'm.*',

'from' => array( 'moderators' => 'm' ),

'add_join' => array(


'select' => 'mm.members_display_name',

'from' => array( 'members' => 'mm' ),

'where' => 'mm.member_id=m.member_id AND m.is_group=0',

'type' => 'left'



) );



while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )


$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->moderators[] = $r;




// Print screen



$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->renderForumHeader();





// Add footer



$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->renderForumFooter();




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