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помогите исправить мод работает криво

Рекомендованные сообщения

вот весь мод:


| Auto PM on Topic Modified 1.0.0
| ======================================================
| by Dzung Nguyen (ntd1712)
| (c) 2006 Vietnamese - Invision Resources
| http://www.invisionviet.net/
| ======================================================
| Date Started: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 20:01 (GMT+7)
| Last Updated: Mon, 01 Jan 2007 04:18 (GMT+7)
| License Info: http://www.invisionviet.net/license.php

Based on module written by Bfarber
Completely rewritten by: ntd1712

| All credits to Bfarber must remain in tact
| or use of this modification is not permitted!
| You are hereby glanted a non-exclusive right to 
| use this modification on any website you desire
| and you may modify this mod to suit your likings.
| The only requirements you must maintain to use
| this mod are that you may NOT upgrade or re-
| distribute this modification without my consent.

Compatibility: IPB v2.2.x
Description  :
- Auto send pm to the topic starter when a topic is edited/closed/moved/deleted, etc.

File to edit:


Open: ./cache/lang_cache/#/lang_mod.php


$lang = array (

Add below:

'pm_sbj' => "Action has been taken on the topic(s) you started.",
'pm_msg' => "Topic(s), in [b]%s[/b] forum, that have been %s:\n\n[b]%s[/b]\n\nThis is an automatically generated message to you notify you of this action.\nIf you have any questions regarding this, please contact a staff member to rectify the problem.",
'pm_edit' => "edited",
'pm_close' => "closed",
'pm_open' => "opened",
'pm_pin' => "pinned",
'pm_unpin' => "unpinned",
'pm_approve' => "approved",
'pm_unapprove' => "unapproved",
'pm_move' => "moved to a new forum [b]%s[/b]",
'pm_merge' => "merged into a new topic (ID: #%s)",
'pm_delete' => "deleted",


Open: ./sources/action_public/moderate.php

Find: [ function topic_approve_alter($type='approve') ]

	$this->modfunc->forum_recount( $this->forum['id'] );

Add below:



Find: [ function multi_topic_merge() ]

	// Update the posts, remove old polls, subs and topic

Add below:

	$this->ipsclass->lang['pm_merge'] = sprintf($this->ipsclass->lang['pm_merge'], "[url=\"{$this->ipsclass->base_url}showtopic={$main_topic_id}\"]{$main_topic_id}[/url]");
	$this->modfunc->send_msg(" IN(".implode(",",$merge_ids).")",'merge');


Find: [ function multi_alter_topics($mod_action="", $sql="") ]

		$this->moderate_log( sprintf( $this->ipsclass->lang['acp_altered_topics'], $sql, implode(",",$this->tids) ) );

Add below:

		$this->modfunc->send_msg(" IN(".implode(",",$this->tids).")",$this->ipsclass->input['tact']);


Find: [ function merge_complete() ]

	// Update the posts, remove old polls, subs and topic

Add below:

	$this->ipsclass->lang['pm_merge'] = sprintf($this->ipsclass->lang['pm_merge'], "[url=\"{$this->ipsclass->base_url}showtopic={$this->topic['tid']}\"]{$this->topic['tid']}[/url]");


Find: [ function do_edit() ]


Add below:



Find: [ function open_topic() ]


Add below:



Find: [ function close_topic() ]


Add below:



Find: [ function pin_topic() ]


Add below:



Find: [ function unpin_topic() ]


Add below:



Open: ./sources/lib/func_mod.php

Find: [ function topic_delete($id, $nostats=0) ]

	$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query( array( 'delete' => 'topics', 'where' => "tid".$tid ) );

Add above:



Find: [ function topic_move($topics, $source, $moveto, $leavelink=0) ]

	return TRUE;

Add above:

	$this->ipsclass->lang['pm_move'] = sprintf($this->ipsclass->lang['pm_move'], "[url=\"{$this->ipsclass->base_url}showforum={$moveto}\"]".$this->ipsclass->forums->forum_by_id[$moveto]['name']."[/url]");





Add above:

// send_msg

function send_msg($tid,$act='edit')
	if (! $this->ipsclass->member) return FALSE;

	$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct(array('select' => 'tid,title,starter_id', 'from' => 'topics', 'where' => "starter_id > 0 AND starter_id <> ".$this->ipsclass->member['id']." AND tid".$tid));
	$sql = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec();

	if (! $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows()) return FALSE;

	while ($r = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row($sql))
		$pms[$r['starter_id']][] = ($act == 'delete' || $act == 'merge') ? $r['title'] : "[url=\"{$this->ipsclass->base_url}showtopic={$r['tid']}\"]{$r['title']}[/url]";

	$msglib = $this->ipsclass->load_class(ROOT_PATH.'sources/lib/func_msg.php', 'func_msg');

	foreach ($pms as $k => $v)
		$msglib->to_by_id	= $k;
		$msglib->from_member = $this->ipsclass->member;
		$msglib->msg_title   = $this->ipsclass->lang['pm_sbj'];
		$msglib->msg_post	= sprintf($this->ipsclass->lang['pm_msg'], "[url=\"{$this->ipsclass->base_url}showforum={$this->forum['id']}\"]{$this->forum['name']}[/url]", $this->ipsclass->lang['pm_'.$act], implode("\n", $v));
		$msglib->force_pm	= 1;

	return TRUE;


That's all! :)
©2006 ntd1712


мод работает но когда юзеру приходит ЛС с текстом ваша тема закрита и рядом линк указывающий на тему но этот линк не работает точнее бб код не обрабатывается вот к примеру в ЛС приходит точно такой код


[url="http://тест урл"]закрытая тема[/url]


Как можно это исправить?

Поделиться сообщением

Ссылка на сообщение

Tools&Settings -> Personal Message Set-up -> Allow BBCode in messages? - стоит Yes?

Поделиться сообщением

Ссылка на сообщение




когда отвечаешь на это ЛС то бб код восстанавливается

Поделиться сообщением

Ссылка на сообщение

Это только на закрытие темы или сообщения о любых действиях приходят криво?

Поделиться сообщением

Ссылка на сообщение

Тихо сам с собою... Не парсит он ббкоды при создании сообщения.

Вставьте немного кода в function send_msg(...)


Найти в функции send_msg() (func_mod.php)

		if (! $this->ipsclass->member) return FALSE;

добавить после

		require_once( ROOT_PATH."sources/handlers/han_parse_bbcode.php" );
	$this->parser =  new parse_bbcode();
	$this->parser->ipsclass =& $this->ipsclass;
	$this->parser->allow_update_caches = 1;
$this->parser->parse_bbcode		= 1;


			$msglib->msg_post	= sprintf($this->ipsclass->lang['pm_msg'], "[url=\"{$this->ipsclass->base_url}showforum={$this->forum['id']}\"]{$this->forum['name']}[/url]", $this->ipsclass->lang['pm_'.$act], implode("\n", $v));

добавить после

		$msglib->msg_post	= $this->parser->pre_db_parse( $msglib->msg_post );

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