Testweb 3 01/12/2016 10:55 AM Хотел спросить, в контенте есть функция "injectBlockFramework" в которой js код. Для чего он, какую роль играет? Share this post Link to post
siv1987 2,629 01/12/2016 02:40 PM * Injects javascript into the page for block templates This method is called automatically be IP.Content as necessary and should not normally need to be called manually. The purpose of this method is to add the necessary javascript and CSS calls for use with block templates. The output HTML is passed as the first parameter. If the second parameter is set to true, the javascript to inject is returned, otherwise it is automatically inserted into the output before the closing HTML tag. If the last parameter is set to true and the second parameter is false, the javascript code is instead returned (similar to if the second parameter is set to true), however it is broken up in such a way that it can be inserted into the page outside of the tag. https://www.invisionpower.com/support/guides/_/advanced-and-developers/ipcontent/library-ccsfunctions-r227 Share this post Link to post
kgb 35 01/12/2016 04:20 PM есть функция "injectBlockFramework" Проблемная функция, которая должна вставлять javascript с подключением jquery, compiled.js и compiled.css один раз а вставляет по количеству созданных на страничке блоков)))))) Share this post Link to post