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Не работает Universal mod installer

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Всем привет. Кто сталкивался с подобной проблемой при усатновке усановщика модов , простите за туфталогию.

Итак проблема заключается в том что при заходе в АЦ -> Компоненты -> Установка\ переустновка модов получаем

:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in Z:\home\skynet.ru\www\SkyNet\sources\components_acp\umi.php on line 2048 что делать спращиваеться вот сам файл umi.php


|   (FSY23) Universal Mod Installer v2.6	|
|   Admin Component File					|
|   © 2007 Michael McCune				 |
|   Email: michael.mccune@gmail.com		 |
|   http://www.invisionmodding.com/		 |
|   Русская версия www.IBPower.Ru			|

define( 'IPS_API_PATH', ROOT_PATH.'sources/api/' );

if ( !defined( 'IN_ACP' ) )
print "<h1>Некорректный адрес</h1>Вы не имеете доступа к этому файлу напрямую. Если вы недавно обновляли форум, вы должны обновить все соответствующие файлы.";

class ad_umi
var $ipsclass;

var $xml_array = array();
var $tasks	 = array();
var $steps	 = array();
var $umi_ver   = "2.6";

// Our 'auto_run' function

function auto_run()
	// Load some more caches

	$this->ipsclass->init_load_cache( array( 'components', 'languages' ) );

	// Init the nav

	$this->ipsclass->admin->nav[] = array( $this->ipsclass->form_code, '(FSY23) Установщик модов' );

	// Load the XML class

	require_once( KERNEL_PATH."class_xml.php" );
	$this->ipsclass->xml  = new class_xml();

	// Init the mod


	// What are we doing?

	switch ( $this->ipsclass->input['code'] )
		case 'settings':
		case 'view':
		case 'install':
		case 'work':

// Settings

function view_settings()
	// Basic admin page stuff

	$this->ipsclass->admin->page_title  = "(FSY23) Установщик модов: настройки";
	$this->ipsclass->admin->page_detail = "В этой секции Вы можете изменить настройки под себя";
	$this->ipsclass->admin->nav[]	   = array( '', 'Настройки' );

	// Load the settings lib

	require_once( ROOT_PATH . 'sources/action_admin/settings.php' );
	$settings		   =  new ad_settings();
	$settings->ipsclass =& $this->ipsclass;

	// Init ACP Help


	// Have we created this setting group yet?

	$group = $this->ipsclass->DB->build_and_exec_query( array( 'select' => 'conf_title_id', 'from' => 'conf_settings_titles', 'where' => "conf_title_keyword='umi'" ) );

	if ( !$group['conf_title_id'] )
		$this->ipsclass->DB->do_insert( 'conf_settings_titles', array( 'conf_title_title'   => 'Установщик модов',
																	   'conf_title_desc'	=> 'Установка и управление совместимыми модами',
																	   'conf_title_count'   => 0,
																	   'conf_title_noshow'  => 1,
																	   'conf_title_keyword' => 'umi',
									  )								 );

		$group['conf_title_id'] = $this->ipsclass->DB->get_insert_id();

	// Define our settings

	$umi_settings = array( 'umi_mods_perpage' => array( 'conf_title'	   => 'Количество модификаций на одну страницу',
														'conf_description' => 'Сколько модификаций Вы желаете видеть на одной странице?',
														'conf_type'		=> 'input',
														'conf_default'	 => 10,
														'conf_extra'	   => '',
														'conf_evalphp'	 => '',
														'conf_position'	=> 1,
														'conf_start_group' => 'Настройки установщика',
														'conf_end_group'   => 0,
														'conf_help_key'	=> '',
						   'umi_do_callbacks' => array( 'conf_title'	   => 'Использовать функцию \'callback\'?',
														'conf_description' => 'Функция позволяет проверять, установлена ли последняя версия мода, не все поддерживают эту функцию.',
														'conf_type'		=> 'yes_no',
														'conf_default'	 => 1,
														'conf_extra'	   => '',
														'conf_evalphp'	 => '',
														'conf_position'	=> 2,
														'conf_start_group' => '',
														'conf_end_group'   => 0,
														'conf_help_key'	=> '',
						   'umi_skin_recache' => array( 'conf_title'	   => 'Делать ребилд скинов автоматически?',
														'conf_description' => 'Если были добавлены шаблоны или фрагменты, то обновлять ли кеши?  Отключите, если при установке появляются сообщение о нехватки памяти php.',
														'conf_type'		=> 'yes_no',
														'conf_default'	 => 1,
														'conf_extra'	   => '',
														'conf_evalphp'	 => '',
														'conf_position'	=> 3,
														'conf_start_group' => '',
														'conf_end_group'   => 1,
														'conf_help_key'	=> '',

	// Ensure the settings have been created

	$cnt = 0;

	foreach ( $umi_settings as $key => $value )
		if ( !isset( $this->ipsclass->vars[ $key ] ) )

			$insert = array( 'conf_title'	   => $value['conf_title'],
							 'conf_description' => $value['conf_description'],
							 'conf_group'	   => $group['conf_title_id'],
							 'conf_type'		=> $value['conf_type'],
							 'conf_key'		 => $key,
							 'conf_default'	 => $value['conf_default'],
							 'conf_extra'	   => $value['conf_extra'],
							 'conf_evalphp'	 => $value['conf_evalphp'],
							 'conf_protected'   => 1,
							 'conf_position'	=> $value['conf_position'],
							 'conf_start_group' => $value['conf_start_group'],
							 'conf_end_group'   => $value['conf_end_group'],
							 'conf_help_key'	=> $value['conf_help_key'],
							 'conf_add_cache'   => 1,

			if ( !$this->ipsclass->DB->field_exists( 'conf_help_key', 'conf_settings' ) )
				unset( $insert['conf_help_key'] );

			$this->ipsclass->DB->do_insert( 'conf_settings', $insert );

	// Recache, if needed

	if ( $cnt )

	// Load libby-do-dah

	$settings->get_by_key		= 'umi';
	$settings->return_after_save = 'section=components&act=umi&code=settings';

	// Show the settings


// ACP Help (New in 2.3)

function acp_help_init()
	// Are we on 2.3?

	if ( isset( $this->ipsclass->vars['acp_tutorial_mode'] ) )
		// Define our help sections

		$umi_acp_help = array( 'components_umi_'		=> array( 'is_setting'	 => 0,
																  'help_title'	 => '(FSY23) Установщик модов: Установка/переустановка модов',
																  'help_body'	  => 'На этой странице Вы можете устанавливать, обновлять или удалять все совместимые моды. Для установки/переустановки/обновление нажмите на кнопку справа от названия мода и выберите нужное действие.',
																  'help_mouseover' => '',
							   'components_umi_view'	=> array( 'is_setting'	 => 0,
																  'help_title'	 => '(FSY23) Установщик модов: Установка/переустановка модов',
																  'help_body'	  => 'На этой странице Вы можете устанавливать, обновлять или удалять все совместимые моды. Для установки/переустановки/обновление нажмите на кнопку справа от названия мода и выберите нужное действие.',
																  'help_mouseover' => '',
							   'components_umi_install' => array( 'is_setting'	 => 0,
																  'help_title'	 => '(FSY23) Установщик модов: XML анализ',
																  'help_body'	  => 'XML файл мода должен быть проанализирован не правильность структуры и шагов.',
																  'help_mouseover' => '',

		// Ensure the help keys have been created

		foreach ( $umi_acp_help as $key => $value )
			$me = $this->ipsclass->DB->build_and_exec_query( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'acp_help', 'where' => "page_key='{$key}'" ) );

			if ( !$me )
				$insert = array( 'is_setting'	 => $value['is_setting'],
								 'page_key'	   => $key,
								 'help_title'	 => $value['help_title'],
								 'help_body'	  => $value['help_body'],
								 'help_mouseover' => $value['help_mouseover'],

				$this->ipsclass->DB->do_insert( 'acp_help', $insert );

	return TRUE;

// Initialize a selected mod

function mod_init()
	// If we have a mod, load it up

	if ( $this->ipsclass->input['mod'] )
		$alert = array();

		$this->load_xml( $this->ipsclass->input['mod'] );

		// Different task sections

		$task_sections = array( 'sections'   => 'section',
								'settings'   => 'setting',
								'components' => 'component',
								'languages'  => 'language',
								'templates'  => 'template',
								'tasks'	  => 'task',
								'helps'	  => 'help',
								'acp_helps'  => 'acp_help',
								'tables'	 => 'table',
								'alters'	 => 'alter',
								'inserts'	=> 'insert',
								'updates'	=> 'update',
								'customs'	=> 'custom',

		// See how many of each task we're doing

		foreach ( $task_sections as $k => $v )
			if ( isset( $this->xml_array[$k."_group"][$v] ) )
				if ( !is_array( $this->xml_array[$k."_group"][$v][0] ) )
					$tmp = $this->xml_array[$k."_group"][$v];
					unset( $this->xml_array[$k."_group"][$v] );
					$this->xml_array[$k."_group"][$v][0] = $tmp;

			$this->tasks[$k] = count( $this->xml_array[$k."_group"][$v] );

		// Custom scripts

		if ( $this->tasks['customs'] > 0 )
			if ( !file_exists( ROOT_PATH.'mod_install/'.$this->xml_array['customs_group']['custom'][0]['script_name']['VALUE'].'.php' ) )
				$alert[] = "Ошибка: скрирт, {$this->xml_array['customs_group']['custom'][0]['script_name']['VALUE']}.php, необходимый для установки, отсутствует в папке mod_install.  Попробуйте перезагрузить файлы.";				}
				$tmp = array();
				$tmp['customs_init'] = $this->xml_array['customs_group']['custom'][0]['has_init']['VALUE'];
				$this->tasks = array_merge( $tmp, $this->tasks );

		// ACP Help in 2.2.x

		if ( $this->tasks['acp_helps'] > 0 && !isset( $this->ipsclass->vars['acp_tutorial_mode'] ) )
			unset( $this->tasks['acp_helps'] );

		// Create our steps array

		foreach ( $this->tasks as $k => $v )
			if ( $v )
				$this->steps[] = $k;

		// Which steps require a recache?

		$cachesections = array( 'sections', 'settings', 'components', 'alters', 'inserts', 'updates' );

		foreach ( $cachesections as $k )
			if ( in_array( $k, $this->steps ) )
				$this->steps[] = 'recache';

		if ( !in_array( 'recache', $this->steps ) && ( in_array( 'customs', $this->steps ) ) )
			if ( $this->xml_array['customs_group']['custom'][0]['recache']['VALUE'] == 1 )
				$this->steps[] = 'recache';

		// Do we need to rebuild skin caches?

		if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_skin_recache'] && ( in_array( 'templates', $this->steps ) || ( in_array( 'customs', $this->steps ) && $this->xml_array['customs_group']['custom'][0]['templatesrecache']['VALUE'] == 1 ) ) )
			$this->steps[] = 'templatesrecache';

		// Ensure our skin files are writeable

		if ( in_array( 'templates', $this->steps ) )
			$skin_files = array();

			foreach ( $this->xml_array['templates_group']['template'] as $k => $v )
				if ( !in_array( $v['group_name']['VALUE'], $skin_files ) )
					$skin_files[] = $v['group_name']['VALUE'];

			foreach ( $this->ipsclass->cache['skin_id_cache'] as $k => $v )
				if ( $v['set_skin_set_id'] == 1 )

				foreach ( $skin_files as $kk => $vv )
					if ( file_exists( CACHE_PATH.'cache/skin_cache/cacheid_'.$v['set_skin_set_id'].'/'.$vv.'.php' ) && !is_writeable( CACHE_PATH.'cache/skin_cache/cacheid_'.$v['set_skin_set_id'].'/'.$vv.'.php' ) )
						if ( !@chmod( CACHE_PATH.'cache/skin_cache/cacheid_'.$v['set_skin_set_id'].'/'.$vv.'.php', 0777 ) )
							$alert[] = "Ошибка: cache/skin_cache/cacheid_{$v['set_skin_set_id']}/{$vv}.php не имеет доступа для записи<br />Проверьте права доступа CHMOD перед продолжением, права должны быть 777. Если это не так, то, скорее всего, мод будет работать неправильно или вообще не будет работать.";

		// Ensure our language path is writeable

		if ( in_array( 'languages', $this->steps ) )
			$lang_files = array();

			foreach ( $this->xml_array['languages_group']['language'] as $k => $v )
				if ( !in_array( $v['file']['VALUE'], $lang_files ) )
					$lang_files[] = $v['file']['VALUE'];

			foreach ( $this->ipsclass->cache['languages'] as $k => $v )
				foreach ( $lang_files as $kk => $vv )
					if ( file_exists( CACHE_PATH.'cache/lang_cache/'.$v['ldir'].'/'.$vv.'.php' ) && !is_writeable( CACHE_PATH.'cache/lang_cache/'.$v['ldir'].'/'.$vv.'.php' ) )
						if ( !@chmod( CACHE_PATH.'cache/lang_cache/'.$v['ldir'].'/'.$vv.'.php', 0777 ) )
							$alert[] = "Ошибка: cache/lang_cache/{$v['ldir']}/{$vv}.php не имеет доступа для записи<br />Проверьте права доступа CHMOD перед продолжением, права должны быть 777. Если это не так, то, скорее всего, мод будет работать неправильно или вообще не будет работать.";

		// The finishing step

		$this->steps[] = 'finish';

		// Did we have any alerts?

		if ( count( $alert ) )
			$this->ipsclass->admin->error( implode( "<br /><br />", $alert ) );

// Load an XML

function load_xml( $mod="" )
	if ( $mod )
		$this->ipsclass->xml->xml_parse_document( file_get_contents( ROOT_PATH."mod_install/".$mod.".xml" ) );

		if ( !is_array( $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mod_data'] ) )
			$this->ipsclass->admin->error( "Ошибка чтения XML файла '$mod'.xml папки mod_install. Решите проблему перед продолжением." );

		$this->xml_array = $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mod_data'];

// Fix the CREATE TABLE statements to be driver-specific

function fix_create_table( $query )
	// Are we using something other than MySQL?

	if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_driver'] == 'mssql' )
		// Replace auto_increment with identity
		$query = str_ireplace( 'auto_increment', 'identity', $query );

		// Replace the data types
		$query = preg_replace( "/(TINYINT|SMALLINT|MEDIUMINT|INT|BIGINT)\(\d+\)/is", "\\1", $query );

		// Remove the MySQL table types
		$query = str_ireplace( 'TYPE=MyISAM', '', $query );
		$query = str_ireplace( 'TYPE=INNODB', '', $query );
		$query = str_ireplace( 'TYPE=HEAP'  , '', $query );

		// Remove any dangling whitespace
		$query = trim( $query );
	else if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_driver'] == 'oracle' )
		$this->ipsclass->admin->error( "На данный момент Oracle не поддерживается Установщиком модов.  Посетите <a href='http://www.invisionmodding.com/forums/' target='_blank'>сайт</a> есл Вы заинтересованы в этом." );

	// Return the fixed query

	return $query;

// Main page

function view_mods()
	// Page Info

	$this->ipsclass->admin->page_title  = "(FSY23) Установщик модов: Управление модификациями";
	$this->ipsclass->admin->page_detail = "Установка, обновление и удаление всех совместимых модификаций";
	$this->ipsclass->admin->nav[]	   = array( '', 'Управление модами' );

	// Init ACP Help


	// Instantiate some arrays

	$installed_names  = array();
	$installable_mods = array();

	// Page jump stuff

	if ( $this->ipsclass->input['st'] > 0 )
		$first = intval( $this->ipsclass->input['st'] );

	$this->ipsclass->vars['umi_mods_perpage'] = ( $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_mods_perpage'] ) ? $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_mods_perpage'] : 10;

	// Does PHP have CURL available?

	$can_curl = function_exists( 'curl_init' );

	// Ensure we have the necessary database table

	if ( !in_array( SQL_PREFIX.'installed_mods', $this->ipsclass->DB->get_table_names() ) )
		$this->ipsclass->DB->query( $this->fix_create_table( "CREATE TABLE ".SQL_PREFIX."installed_mods
			(m_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
			 m_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
			 m_version varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
			 m_author varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
			 m_website varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'http://',
			 m_started tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
			 m_finished tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
			 PRIMARY KEY (m_id))
			TYPE=MyISAM" ) );

	if ( !$this->ipsclass->DB->field_exists( 'm_website', 'installed_mods' ) )
		$this->ipsclass->DB->sql_add_field( 'installed_mods', 'm_website', "varchar(255) NOT NULL", "'http://' AFTER `m_author`" );

	// What mods have we installed?

	$this->ipsclass->DB->build_query( array( 'select' => '*',
											 'from'   => 'installed_mods',
											 'order'  => 'm_name',
									)	   );

	if ( $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows() )
		while ( $r = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
			$installed_names[] = $r['m_name'];

	// Make sure we have a mod_install directory

	if ( !file_exists( ROOT_PATH."mod_install/" ) )
		if ( !@mkdir( ROOT_PATH."mod_install/", 0755 ) )
			$this->ipsclass->admin->error( "Папка ./mod_install отсутствует.  Создайте папку через Ваш FTP клиент, и выставьте права доступа на папку CHMOD 755." );

	// Look for any installer files

	$path  = ROOT_PATH."mod_install/";
	$files = array();

	if ( $handle = opendir( $path ) )
		while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) )
			$ext = preg_replace( "/^.*\.(\S+)$/", "\\1", $file );

			if ( $ext == "xml" )
				$files[] = $file;

		closedir( $handle );

	// Do we have any files to look at?

	if ( count( $files ) )
		foreach ( $files as $k => $v )
			$this->ipsclass->xml->xml_parse_document( file_get_contents( ROOT_PATH."mod_install/".$v ) );

			if ( !is_array( $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mod_data'] ) )
				$this->ipsclass->admin->error( "Ошибка чтения XML файла '$v' папки mod_install. Исправьте ошибку перед продолжением." );

			$themod = array();
			$temp   = $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mod_data']['mod_info'];

			$themod['title']		= $temp['title']['VALUE'];
			$themod['version']	  = $temp['version']['VALUE'];
			$themod['author']	   = $temp['author']['VALUE'];
			$themod['website']	  = $temp['website']['VALUE'];
			$themod['file']		 = str_replace( ".xml", "", $v );
			$themod['ipbver']	   = $temp['ipbver']['VALUE'];
			$themod['version_file'] = $temp['version_file']['VALUE'];

			$key = strtolower( $temp['title']['VALUE'] );
			$key = str_replace( " ", "_", $key );

			if ( $themod['title'] != "" && in_array( $themod['ipbver'], array( '2.2', '2.3' ) ) )
				$installable_mods[str_replace( '.', '', $themod['ipbver'])][$key] = $themod;

		foreach ( $installable_mods as $ver => $mods )
			ksort( $installable_mods[$ver] );

		$new_mods  = $installable_mods;
		unset( $installable_mods );
		$installable_mods = array();

		foreach ( $new_mods as $version => $itsmods )
			$new_index = 0;

			foreach ( $itsmods as $key => $mod )
				$installable_mods[$version][$new_index++] = $mod;

	// Let's find what the latest mods are

	$latest_mods   = array();
	$latest_umi	= 0;
	$link		  = base64_decode( "aHR0cDovL3d3dy5pbnZpc2lvbm1vZGRpbmcuY29tL3VtaS9tb2RzLnhtbA==" );
	$mod_files	 = array();
	$file_contents = "";

	if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_do_callbacks'] )
		$handle = @fopen( $link, "r" );

		if ( $handle !== false )
			@fclose( $handle );

			$file_contents = file_get_contents( $link );
		else if ( $can_curl )
			$ch = curl_init();

			curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $link );
			curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );


			curl_exec( $ch );
			curl_close( $ch );
			$file_contents = ob_get_contents();


	if ( $file_contents )
		$this->ipsclass->xml->xml_parse_document( $file_contents );

		if ( is_array( $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb22']['mod'] ) )
			foreach ( $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb22']['mod'] as $k => $v )
				$latest_mods[22][$v['file']['VALUE']] = $v['version']['VALUE'];

		if ( is_array( $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb23']['mod'] ) )
			foreach ( $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb23']['mod'] as $k => $v )
				$latest_mods[23][$v['file']['VALUE']] = $v['version']['VALUE'];

		$latest_umi = $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['umi']['VALUE'];

	if ( count( $installable_mods ) )
		foreach ( $installable_mods as $ver => $mods )
			if ( count( $mods ) )
				foreach ( $mods as $k => $v )
					if ( $v['version_file'] && !in_array( $v['version_file'], $mod_files ) )
						$version_contents = "";

						$mod_files[] = $v['version_file'];

						if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_do_callbacks'] )
							$handle = @fopen( $v['version_file'], "r" );

							if ( $handle !== false )
								@fclose( $handle );

								$version_contents = file_get_contents( $v['version_file'] );
							else if ( $can_curl )
								$ch = curl_init();

								curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $v['version_file'] );
								curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );


								curl_exec( $ch );
								curl_close( $ch );
								$version_contents = ob_get_contents();


						if ( $version_contents )
							$this->ipsclass->xml->xml_parse_document( $version_contents );

							if ( !is_array( $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb22']['mod'][0] ) )
								$tmp = $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb22']['mod'];
								unset( $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb22']['mod'] );
								$this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb22']['mod'][0] = $tmp;

							if ( !is_array( $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb23']['mod'][0] ) )
								$tmp = $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb23']['mod'];
								unset( $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb23']['mod'] );
								$this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb23']['mod'][0] = $tmp;

							foreach ( $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb22']['mod'] as $kk => $vv )
								if ( !in_array( $vv['file']['VALUE'], array_keys( $latest_mods ) ) )
									$latest_mods[22][$vv['file']['VALUE']] = $vv['version']['VALUE'];

							foreach ( $this->ipsclass->xml->xml_array['mods']['ipb23']['mod'] as $kk => $vv )
								if ( !in_array( $vv['file']['VALUE'], array_keys( $latest_mods ) ) )
									$latest_mods[23][$vv['file']['VALUE']] = $vv['version']['VALUE'];

	// Build the mods table

	$this->ipsclass->adskin->td_header[] = array( "Название"   , "40%" );
	$this->ipsclass->adskin->td_header[] = array( "Версия"	 , "10%" );
	$this->ipsclass->adskin->td_header[] = array( "Автор"	  , "15%" );
	$this->ipsclass->adskin->td_header[] = array( "Установлен?"  , "10%" );

	if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_do_callbacks'] )
		$this->ipsclass->adskin->td_header[] = array( "Последняя версия?" , "15%" );

	$this->ipsclass->adskin->td_header[] = array( "Опции"	 , "10%" );

	$this->ipsclass->html .= $this->ipsclass->adskin->start_table( "Совместимые модификации" );

	// What mods are we displaying?

	$to_display = array();
	$i		  = 0;

	foreach ( $installable_mods as $a => $b )
		foreach ( $b as $c => $d )
			$to_display[$i++] = $d;

	// OK, let's show some mods

	foreach ( $to_display as $k => $v )
		// Page jump stuff

		if ( $k < $first )

		if ( $k >= $first + $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_mods_perpage'] )

		// Possible row entries

		$title	 = "<strong>{$v['title']}</strong>";
		$version   = "<div align='center'>v{$v['version']}</div>";
		$author	= "<div align='center'><a href='{$v['website']}' target='_blank'>{$v['author']}</a></div>";
		$outdated  = "<div align='center'><img src='{$this->ipsclass->skin_acp_url}/images/memsearch_delete.gif' border='0' title='Это не посленяя версия - v<!--VERSION--> установлена' /></div>";
		$installed = "<div align='center'><img src='{$this->ipsclass->skin_acp_url}/images/aff_tick.png' border='0' title='Установлен' /></div>";
		$problem   = "<div align='center'><img src='{$this->ipsclass->skin_acp_url}/images/acp_trashcan.gif' border='0' title='Возникли проблемы с модификацией, рекоммендуется удалить мод' /></div>";
		$not_ins   = "<div align='center'><img src='{$this->ipsclass->skin_acp_url}/images/aff_cross.png' border='0' title='Не установлен' /></div>";
		$upd_avail = "<div align='center'><img src='{$this->ipsclass->skin_acp_url}/images/aff_cross.png' border='0' title='Доступно обновление!' /></div>";
		$uptodate  = "<div align='center'><img src='{$this->ipsclass->skin_acp_url}/images/aff_tick.png' border='0' title='Вы имеете последнюю версию мода!' /></div>";
		$unknown   = "<div align='center'><img src='{$this->ipsclass->skin_acp_url}/images/memsearch_delete.gif' border='0' title='Неизвестный' /></div>";
		$options   = "<div align='center'><img id='menu{$v['file']}' src='{$this->ipsclass->skin_acp_url}/images/filebrowser_action.gif' border='0' title='Опции' class='ipd' /></div>";

		// Possible install options

		$opts   = "";
		$opts_1 = "img_add + \" <a href='{$this->ipsclass->base_url}&{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=install&mod={$v['file']}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}'>Обновление...</a>\",
img_delete + \" <a href='{$this->ipsclass->base_url}&{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=install&mod={$v['file']}&un=1&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}'>Удаление...</a>\"";
		$opts_2 = "img_add + \" <a href='{$this->ipsclass->base_url}&{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=install&mod={$v['file']}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}'>Переустановка...</a>\",
img_delete + \" <a href='{$this->ipsclass->base_url}&{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=install&mod={$v['file']}&un=1&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}'>Удаление...</a>\"";
		$opts_3 = "img_delete + \" <a href='{$this->ipsclass->base_url}&{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=install&mod={$v['file']}&un=1&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}'>Удаление...</a>\"";
		$opts_4 = "img_add + \" <a href='{$this->ipsclass->base_url}&{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=install&mod={$v['file']}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}'>Установка...</a>\"";

		// Our different possibilities

		if ( in_array( $v['title'], $installed_names ) )
			$mod_info = $this->ipsclass->DB->build_and_exec_query( array( 'select' => '*',
																		  'from'   => 'installed_mods',
																		  'where'  => "m_name='".$v['title']."'",
																 )		);

			if ( $mod_info['m_started'] == 1 )
				if ( $mod_info['m_finished'] == 1 )
					if ( $mod_info['m_version'] < $v['version'] )
						$opts = $opts_1;
						$outdated = str_replace( "<!--VERSION-->", $mod_info['m_version'], $outdated );
						$data = ( $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_do_callbacks'] ) ? array( $title, $version, $author, $outdated, $upd_avail, $options ): array( $title, $version, $author, $outdated, $options );
						$ipbver = str_replace( '.', '', $v['ipbver'] );
						if ( isset( $latest_mods[$ipbver][$v['file']] ) )
							if ( $latest_mods[$ipbver][$v['file']] > $v['version'] )
								$uptodate = $upd_avail;
							$uptodate = $unknown;

						$opts = $opts_2;
						$data = ( $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_do_callbacks'] ) ? array( $title, $version, $author, $installed, $uptodate, $options ) : array( $title, $version, $author, $installed, $options );
					$opts = $opts_3;
					$data = ( $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_do_callbacks'] ) ? array( $title, $version, $author, $problem, $unknown, $options ) : array( $title, $version, $author, $problem, $options );
				if ( $mod_info['m_finished'] == 1 )
					$opts = $opts_3;
					$data = ( $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_do_callbacks'] ) ? array( $title, $version, $author, $problem, $unknown, $options ) : array( $title, $version, $author, $problem, $options );
					$opts = $opts_4;
					$data = ( $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_do_callbacks'] ) ? array( $title, $version, $author, $not_ins, $not_ins, $options ) : array( $title, $version, $author, $not_ins, $options );
			$opts = $opts_4;
			$data = ( $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_do_callbacks'] ) ? array( $title, $version, $author, $not_ins, $not_ins, $options ) : array( $title, $version, $author, $not_ins, $options );

		$this->ipsclass->html .= $this->ipsclass->adskin->add_td_row( $data );

		// Add the file options

		$this->ipsclass->html .="<script type=\"text/javascript\">
 new Array( ".$opts."
		) );

	// Page Jump

	$pages = $this->ipsclass->adskin->build_pagelinks( array( 'TOTAL_POSS' => count( $to_display ),
															  'PER_PAGE'   => $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_mods_perpage'],
															  'CUR_ST_VAL' => $first,
															  'L_SINGLE'   => "",
															  'L_MULTI'	=> "Страницы: ",
															  'BASE_URL'   => $this->ipsclass->base_url."&".$this->ipsclass->form_code."&code=view",
													 )	  );

	$this->ipsclass->html .= $this->ipsclass->adskin->add_td_basic( $pages, 'right', 'tablerow2' );

	// Finish the table

	$this->ipsclass->html .= $this->ipsclass->adskin->end_table();

	// Make sure UMI is up to date

	if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['umi_do_callbacks'] )
		$this->ipsclass->html .= $this->ipsclass->adskin->start_table( "Обновления" );

		if ( $latest_umi > 0 )
			$latest_text = ( $latest_umi != $this->umi_ver ) ? "<span style='font-weight: bold; color: red;'>ДОСТУПНО ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ</span>" : "<span style='font-weight: bold; color: green;'>ПОСЛЕДНЯЯ ВЕРСИЯ</span>";
			$latest_text = "<span style='font-weight: bold; color: red;'>НЕИЗВЕСТНО</span>";

		$this->ipsclass->html .= $this->ipsclass->adskin->add_td_row( array( "<div align='center'>(FSY23) Установщик модов —  $latest_text!</div>" ) );

		$this->ipsclass->html .= $this->ipsclass->adskin->end_table();

	$this->ipsclass->html .= "<div align='center'><a href='http://www.ibpower.ru/' target='_blank'>Русская версия</a> Universal Mod Installer v{$this->umi_ver}, by <a href='http://www.invisionmodding.com/forums/' target='_blank'>Michael</a>, © ".date("Y")."</div>";

	// All done, output it!


// Right before doing the work

function pre_install()
	// Installing, or uninstalling?

	$type = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? 'удаления' : 'установки';

	// Page Info

	$this->ipsclass->admin->page_title  = "(FSY23) Установщик модов: XML анализ";
	$this->ipsclass->admin->page_detail = "XML файл мода был проанализирован, следующие шаги определены - {$type}.";

	// Init ACP Help


	// Show the output

	$this->ipsclass->html .= $this->ipsclass->adskin->start_table( $this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE'] );

	$this->ipsclass->html .= $this->ipsclass->adskin->add_td_basic( "<span style='font-size: 12px;'>Нажмите на кнопку для $type.<br /><br /><input type='button' class='realbutton' value='Старт...' onclick='locationjump(\"{$this->ipsclass->base_url}&{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&un={$this->ipsclass->input['un']}&step=0&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}\")' /></span>", "center" );

	$this->ipsclass->html .= $this->ipsclass->adskin->end_table();


// Calls the install functions

function runme()
	if ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] != 1 )
		$mod_info = $this->ipsclass->DB->build_and_exec_query( array( 'select' => '*',
																	  'from'   => 'installed_mods',
																	  'where'  => "m_name='".$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']."'",
															 )		);
		if ( !$this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows() )
			$mod			  = array();
			$mod['m_name']	= $this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE'];
			$mod['m_version'] = $this->xml_array['mod_info']['version']['VALUE'];
			$mod['m_author']  = $this->xml_array['mod_info']['author']['VALUE'];
			$mod['m_started'] = 1;

			$this->ipsclass->DB->force_data_type['m_version'] = 'string';

			$this->ipsclass->DB->do_insert( 'installed_mods', $mod );
			if ( $mod_info['m_started'] != 1 )
				$this->ipsclass->DB->do_update( 'installed_mods', array( 'm_started' => 1 ), "m_name='".$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']."'" );

	$step = ( $this->ipsclass->input['step'] ) ? $this->ipsclass->input['step'] : 0;
	$task = $this->steps[$step];

// customs_init

function customs_init()
	$this->xml_array['customs_group']['custom'][0]['script_name']['VALUE'] = str_replace( '.php', '', $this->xml_array['customs_group']['custom'][0]['script_name']['VALUE'] );
	require( ROOT_PATH.'mod_install/'.$this->xml_array['customs_group']['custom'][0]['script_name']['VALUE'].'.php' );
	$custom			=   new $this->xml_array['customs_group']['custom'][0]['script_name']['VALUE'];
	$custom->ipsclass  =& $this->ipsclass;
	$custom->xml_array =& $this->xml_array;

	if ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] )

// Setting sections

function sections()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	$object	  = ( $this->tasks['sections'] == 1 ) ? 'Группа настроек' : 'Групп натсроек';
	$operation   = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] )  ? 'удалено'		: 'создано';
	$sectionkeys = array();
	$group	   = "";
	$groups	  = array();

	foreach ( $this->xml_array['sections_group']['section'] as $k => $v )
		$sectionkeys[] = "'{$v['conf_title_keyword']['VALUE']}'";

	$this->ipsclass->DB->do_delete( 'conf_settings_titles', "conf_title_keyword IN (".implode( ",", $sectionkeys ).")" );

	if ( !$this->ipsclass->input['un'] )
		foreach ( $this->xml_array['sections_group']['section'] as $k => $v )
			$groups[] = $this->_add_section( $v );

		$group = "&group=".implode( "|", $groups );

	$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}{$group}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />{$this->tasks['sections']} {$object} {$operation}...." );

// Settings

function settings()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	$object	   = ( $this->tasks['settings'] == 1 ) ? 'Настройка' : 'Настроек';
	$operation	= ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] )  ? 'удалено' : 'создано';
	$settingkeys  = array();
	$old_settings = array();
	$had_old_sets = 0;
	$group		= 0;
	$groups	   = array();
	$to_recount   = array();
	$group_map	= array();
	$more_groups  = array();

	foreach ( $this->xml_array['settings_group']['setting'] as $k => $v )
		$settingkeys[] = "'{$v['conf_key']['VALUE']}'";

	$this->ipsclass->DB->build_query( array( 'select' => '*',
											 'from'   => 'conf_settings',
											 'where'  => "conf_key IN (".implode( ",", $settingkeys ).")",
									)	   );

	if ( $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows() )
		$had_old_sets = 1;

		while ( $r = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
			$old_settings[$r['conf_key']] = ( $r['conf_value'] != '' && $r['conf_value'] != $r['conf_default'] ) ? $r['conf_value'] : '';

	$this->ipsclass->DB->do_delete( 'conf_settings', "conf_key IN (".implode( ",", $settingkeys ).")" );

	if ( $this->ipsclass->input['group'] )
		$groups = explode( "|", $this->ipsclass->input['group'] );

	foreach ( $groups as $k => $v )
		if ( $v == 0 )
			unset( $groups[$k] );
			$to_recount[] = $v;

	if ( !$this->ipsclass->input['un'] )
		foreach ( $this->xml_array['settings_group']['setting'] as $k => $v )
			if ( $this->ipsclass->input['group'] )
				$v['conf_group']['VALUE'] = ( count( $groups ) == 1 ) ? $groups[0] : $groups[$v['conf_group']['VALUE']];
				if ( !in_array( $v['conf_group']['VALUE'], array_keys( $group_map ) ) )
					$query = $this->ipsclass->DB->build_and_exec_query( array( 'select' => 'conf_group',
																			   'from'   => 'conf_settings',
																			   'where'  => "conf_key='{$v['conf_group']['VALUE']}'",
																	  )		 );
					$v['conf_group']['VALUE'] = $query['conf_group'];

					if ( !in_array( $query['conf_group'], $to_recount ) )
						$to_recount[] = $query['conf_group'];

					$group_map[$v['conf_group']['VALUE']] = $query['conf_group'];
					$v['conf_group']['VALUE'] = $group_map[$v['conf_group']['VALUE']];

			$this->_add_setting( $v );

		if ( $had_old_sets == 1 && is_array( $old_settings ) )
			foreach ( $old_settings as $k => $v )
				if ( $v != '' )
					$this->ipsclass->DB->do_update( 'conf_settings', array( 'conf_value' => $v ), "conf_key='{$k}'" );
		foreach ( $this->xml_array['settings_group']['setting'] as $k => $v )
			if ( !is_numeric( $v['conf_group']['VALUE'] ) )
				if ( !in_array( $v['conf_group']['VALUE'], $more_groups ) )
					$more_groups[] = $v['conf_group']['VALUE'];

		$this->ipsclass->DB->build_query( array( 'select' => 'conf_group',
												 'from'   => 'conf_settings',
												 'where'  => "conf_key IN ('".implode( "','", $more_groups )."')",
										)	   );

		if ( $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows() )
			while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
				if ( $row['conf_group'] && !in_array( $row['conf_group'], $to_recount ) )
					$to_recount[] = $row['conf_group'];

	if ( count( $to_recount ) )
		foreach ( $to_recount as $k => $v )
			$this->_recount_section( $v );

	$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />{$this->tasks['settings']} {$object} {$operation}...." );

// Components

function components()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	$object		= ( $this->tasks['components'] == 1 ) ? 'Компонент' : 'Компонентов';
	$operation	 = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] )	? 'удален'   : 'создан';

	require_once( IPS_API_PATH.'/api_components.php' );
	$api			  =  new api_components();
	$api->ipsclass	=& $this->ipsclass;
	$api->path_to_ipb =  ROOT_PATH;

	foreach ( $this->xml_array['components_group']['component'] as $k => $v )
		$api->acp_component_remove( $v['com_section']['VALUE'] );

		if ( !$this->ipsclass->input['un'] )
			$api->acp_component_insert( $v['com_section']['VALUE'], array( 'com_title'	   => $v['com_title']['VALUE'],
																		   'com_author'	  => $v['com_author']['VALUE'],
																		   'com_version'	 => $v['com_version']['VALUE'],
																		   'com_url'		 => $v['com_url']['VALUE'],
																		   'com_menu_data'   => $v['com_menu_data']['VALUE'],
																		   'com_enabled'	 => $v['com_enabled']['VALUE'],
																		   'com_safemode'	=> $v['com_safemode']['VALUE'],
																		   'com_section_key' => $v['com_section']['VALUE'],
																		   'com_description' => $v['com_description']['VALUE'],
																		   'com_url_uri'	 => $v['com_url_uri']['VALUE'],
																		   'com_url_title'   => $v['com_url_title']['VALUE'],
									  )									 );

	$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />{$this->tasks['components']} {$object} {$operation}...." );

// Language strings

function languages()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	$object		= ( $this->tasks['languages'] == 1 ) ? 'Языковая группа' : 'Языковые группы';
	$operation	 = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] )   ? 'удалены'		 : 'созданы';

	require_once( IPS_API_PATH.'/api_language.php' );
	$api			  =  new api_language();
	$api->ipsclass	=& $this->ipsclass;
	$api->path_to_ipb =  ROOT_PATH;

	foreach ( $this->xml_array['languages_group']['language'] as $k => $v )
		if ( !$this->ipsclass->input['un'] )
			$api->lang_add_strings( array( $v['key']['VALUE'] => $v['text']['VALUE'] ), $v['file']['VALUE'] );
			foreach ( $this->ipsclass->cache['languages'] as $kk => $vv )
				$lang = array();
				require( CACHE_PATH.'cache/lang_cache/'.$vv['ldir'].'/'.$v['file']['VALUE'].'.php' );

				unset( $lang[$v['key']['VALUE']] );

				$start = "<?php\n\n".'$lang = array('."\n";

				foreach ( $lang as $kkk => $vvv )
					$vvv	= preg_replace( "/\n{1,}$/", "", $vvv );
					$vvv 	= stripslashes( $vvv );
					$vvv	= preg_replace( '/"/', '\\"', $vvv );
					$start .= "\n'".$kkk."'  => \"".$vvv."\",";

				$start .= "\n\n);\n\n?".">";

				if ( $fh = @fopen( CACHE_PATH.'cache/lang_cache/'.$vv['ldir'].'/'.$v['file']['VALUE'].'.php', 'w' ) )
					@fwrite( $fh, $start );
					@fclose( $fh );

				unset( $lang, $start, $fh );

	$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />{$this->tasks['languages']} {$object} {$operation}...." );

// Skin templates

function templates()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	$object	   = ( $this->tasks['templates'] == 1 ) ? 'Фрагмент' : 'Фрагментов';
	$operation	= ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] )   ? 'удалено'	   : 'создано';

	foreach ( $this->xml_array['templates_group']['template'] as $k => $v )
		$this->ipsclass->DB->do_delete( 'skin_templates', "set_id=1 AND group_name='".$v['group_name']['VALUE']."' AND func_name='".$v['func_name']['VALUE']."'" );

		if ( !$this->ipsclass->input['un'] )
			$this->_add_template( $v );

	$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />{$this->tasks['templates']} {$object} {$operation}...." );

// Task Manager tasks

function tasks()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	$object	= ( $this->tasks['tasks'] == 1 )   ? 'Задача'	: 'Задач';
	$operation = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] ) ? 'удалена' : 'создана';
	$taskkeys  = array();

	foreach ( $this->xml_array['tasks_group']['task'] as $k => $v )
		$taskkeys[] = "'{$v['task_key']['VALUE']}'";

	$this->ipsclass->DB->do_delete( 'task_manager', "task_key IN (".implode( ",", $taskkeys ).")" );

	if ( !$this->ipsclass->input['un'] )
		foreach ( $this->xml_array['tasks_group']['task'] as $k => $v )
			$this->_add_task( $v );

	$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />{$this->tasks['tasks']} {$object} {$operation}...." );

// Help Files

function helps()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	$object	= ( $this->tasks['sections'] == 1 ) ? 'Файл помощи' : 'Файлов помощи';
	$operation = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] )  ? 'удален'   : 'создан';
	$helpkeys  = array();

	foreach ( $this->xml_array['helps_group']['help'] as $k => $v )
		$helpkeys[] = "'{$v['title']['VALUE']}'";

	$this->ipsclass->DB->do_delete( 'faq', "title IN (".implode( ",", $helpkeys ).")" );

	if ( !$this->ipsclass->input['un'] )
		foreach ( $this->xml_array['helps_group']['help'] as $k => $v )
			$this->_add_help( $v );

	$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}{$group}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />{$this->tasks['helps']} {$object} {$operation}...." );

// ACP Help Entries

function acp_helps()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	$object	= ( $this->tasks['acp_helps'] == 1 ) ? 'Файл помощи в АдминЦентре' : 'Файлов помощи в АдминЦентре';
	$operation = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] )   ? 'удалено'		: 'создано';
	$helpkeys  = array();

	foreach ( $this->xml_array['acp_helps_group']['acp_help'] as $k => $v )
		$helpkeys[] = "'{$v['page_key']['VALUE']}'";

	$this->ipsclass->DB->do_delete( 'acp_help', "page_key IN (".implode( ",", $helpkeys ).")" );

	if ( !$this->ipsclass->input['un'] )
		foreach ( $this->xml_array['acp_helps_group']['acp_help'] as $k => $v )
			$this->_add_acp_help( $v );

	$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}{$group}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />{$this->tasks['acp_helps']} {$object} {$operation}...." );

// Database tables

function tables()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	$object	= ( $this->tasks['tables'] == 1 )  ? 'Таблица' : 'Таблиц';
	$operation = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] ) ? 'удалено'		: 'создано';
	$has_it	= array();
	$old_data  = array();

	foreach ( $this->xml_array['tables_group']['table'] as $k => $v )
		if ( !$this->ipsclass->input['un'] )
			$has_it[$v['name']['VALUE']]   = 0;
			$old_data[$v['name']['VALUE']] = array();

			if ( in_array( SQL_PREFIX.$v['name']['VALUE'], $this->ipsclass->DB->get_table_names() ) )
				$has_it[$v['name']['VALUE']] = 1;

				$this->ipsclass->DB->build_query( array( 'select' => '*',
														 'from'   => $v['name']['VALUE'],
												)	   );

				while ( $r = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
					$old_data[$v['name']['VALUE']][] = $r;

		$this->ipsclass->DB->sql_drop_table( $v['name']['VALUE'] );

		if ( !$this->ipsclass->input['un'] )
			$this->ipsclass->DB->query( $this->fix_create_table( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ".SQL_PREFIX.$v['name']['VALUE']." (".$v['data']['VALUE'].") TYPE=".$v['type']['VALUE'] ) );

			if ( $has_it[$v['name']['VALUE']] == 1 && count( $old_data[$v['name']['VALUE']] ) )
				foreach ( $old_data[$v['name']['VALUE']] as $kk => $vv )
					$insert = array();

					foreach ( $vv as $kkk => $vvv)
						$insert[$kkk] = $this->ipsclass->txt_safeslashes($vvv);

					$this->ipsclass->DB->do_insert( $v['name']['VALUE'], $insert );

	$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />{$this->tasks['tables']} {$object} {$operation}...." );

// Database alters

function alters()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	$object	   = ( $this->tasks['alters'] == 1 )  ? 'Поле' : 'Полей';
	$operation	= ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] ) ? 'удалено'		: 'добавлено';

	foreach ( $this->xml_array['alters_group']['alter'] as $k => $v )
		if ( !$this->ipsclass->input['un'] && $v['alter_type']['VALUE'] == 'add' )
			if ( !$this->ipsclass->DB->field_exists( "{$v['field_name']['VALUE']}", "{$v['table']['VALUE']}" ) )
				$this->ipsclass->DB->sql_add_field( "{$v['table']['VALUE']}", "{$v['field_name']['VALUE']}", "{$v['field_type']['VALUE']}", "{$v['field_default']['VALUE']}" );
			if ( $this->ipsclass->DB->field_exists( "{$v['field_name']['VALUE']}", "{$v['table']['VALUE']}" ) )
				$this->ipsclass->DB->sql_drop_field( "{$v['table']['VALUE']}", "{$v['field_name']['VALUE']}" );

	$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />{$this->tasks['alters']} {$object} {$operation}...." );

// Database inserts

function inserts()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	$object	   = ( $this->tasks['inserts'] == 1 ) ? 'Строка' : 'Строк';
	$operation	= ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] ) ? 'удалено'	  : 'вставлено';

	foreach ( $this->xml_array['inserts_group']['insert'] as $k => $v )
		if ( !$this->ipsclass->input['un'] )
			unset( $f );

			foreach ( $v['fields'] as $kk => $vv )
				if ( strtolower( $kk ) == 'value' )

				$f[$kk] = $vv['VALUE'];

			$this->ipsclass->DB->build_and_exec_query( array( 'select' => '*',
															  'from'   => $v['table']['VALUE'],
															  'where'  => $v['delete_key']['VALUE'],
													 )		);

			if ( !$this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows() )
				$this->ipsclass->DB->do_insert( $v['table']['VALUE'], $f );
			if ( in_array( SQL_PREFIX.$v['table']['VALUE'], $this->ipsclass->DB->get_table_names() ) )
				$this->ipsclass->DB->do_delete( $v['table']['VALUE'], $v['delete_key']['VALUE'] );

	$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />{$this->tasks['inserts']} {$object} {$operation}...." );

// Database updates

function updates()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	$object	   = ( $this->tasks['updates'] == 1 ) ? 'Обновление базы' : 'Обновлений базы';
	$operation	= ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] ) ? 'вернуто'		: 'сделано';

	foreach ( $this->xml_array['updates_group']['update'] as $k => $v )
		if ( !$this->ipsclass->input['un'] )
			$this->ipsclass->DB->do_update( "{$v['table']['VALUE']}", array( "{$v['key']['VALUE']}" => "{$v['new_value']['VALUE']}" ), "{$v['where']['VALUE']}" );
			if ( $v['old_value'] )
				$this->ipsclass->DB->do_update( "{$v['table']['VALUE']}", array( "{$v['key']['VALUE']}" => "{$v['old_value']['VALUE']}" ), "{$v['where']['VALUE']}" );

	$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />{$this->tasks['updates']} {$object} {$operation}...." );

// Custom scripts

function customs()
	require( ROOT_PATH.'mod_install/'.$this->xml_array['customs_group']['custom'][0]['script_name']['VALUE'].'.php' );
	$custom			=  new $this->xml_array['customs_group']['custom'][0]['script_name']['VALUE'];
	$custom->ipsclass  =& $this->ipsclass;
	$custom->xml_array =& $this->xml_array;

	if ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] )

// Recache our caches

function recache()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	// Components

	require_once( ROOT_PATH . 'sources/action_admin/components.php' );
	$components		   =  new ad_components();
	$components->ipsclass =& $this->ipsclass;


	// Forum Cache


	// Group Cache

	$this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'] = array();

	$this->ipsclass->DB->build_query( array( 'select' => '*',
											 'from'   => 'groups'
									)	  );

	while ( $i = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
		$this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][$i['g_id']] = $i;

	$this->ipsclass->update_cache( array( 'name' => 'group_cache', 'array' => 1, 'deletefirst' => 1 ) );

	// Settings

	require_once( ROOT_PATH . 'sources/action_admin/settings.php' );
	$settings		   =  new ad_settings();
	$settings->ipsclass =& $this->ipsclass;


	$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />IPB caches updated...." );

// Rebuild skin caches

function templatesrecache()
	$uninstall = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? "&un=1" : "";

	$justdone = intval( $this->ipsclass->input['justdone'] );
	$justdone = $justdone ? $justdone : 1;

	$s = $this->ipsclass->DB->build_and_exec_query( array( 'select' => '*',
														   'from'   => 'skin_sets',
														   'where'  => 'set_skin_set_id > '.$justdone,
														   'order'  => 'set_skin_set_id',
														   'limit'  => array( 0, 1 ),
												  )		 );

	if ( $s['set_skin_set_id'] )
		$this->ipsclass->cache_func->_rebuild_all_caches( array( $s['set_skin_set_id'] ) );

		$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}&justdone={$s['set_skin_set_id']}{$uninstall}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />Rebuilt the '{$s['set_name']}' skin cache..." );

		$this->ipsclass->admin->redirect( "{$this->ipsclass->form_code}&code=work&mod={$this->ipsclass->input['mod']}&step={$this->ipsclass->input['step']}{$uninstall}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}", "{$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']}<br />No more skins to rebuild..." );

// Finish it up!

function finish()
	$type = ( $this->ipsclass->input['un'] == 1 ) ? 'Удаление' : 'Установка';

	if ( $type == 'installation' )
		$this->ipsclass->DB->do_update( 'installed_mods', array( 'm_version'  => $this->xml_array['mod_info']['version']['VALUE'],
																 'm_author'   => $this->xml_array['mod_info']['author']['VALUE'],
																 'm_website'  => $this->xml_array['mod_info']['website']['VALUE'],
																 'm_finished' => 1,
															   ), "m_name='".$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']."'" );
		$this->ipsclass->DB->do_delete( 'installed_mods', "m_name='".$this->xml_array['mod_info']['title']['VALUE']."'" );

		$this->ipsclass->DB->sql_optimize_table( 'installed_mods' );

	$this->ipsclass->main_msg = 'Modification '.$type.' complete...';


// Add a section

function _add_section( $data=array() )
	$section = array();

	$section['conf_title_title']   = $data['conf_title_title']['VALUE'];
	$section['conf_title_desc']	= $data['conf_title_desc']['VALUE'];
	$section['conf_title_count']   = 0;
	$section['conf_title_noshow']  = $data['conf_title_noshow']['VALUE'];
	$section['conf_title_keyword'] = $data['conf_title_keyword']['VALUE'];
	$section['conf_title_module']  = $data['conf_title_module']['VALUE'];

	$this->ipsclass->DB->do_insert( 'conf_settings_titles', $section );

	return $this->ipsclass->DB->get_insert_id();

// Add a setting

function _add_setting( $data=array() )
	$setting = array();

	$setting['conf_title']	   = $data['conf_title']['VALUE'];
	$setting['conf_description'] = $data['conf_description']['VALUE'];
	$setting['conf_group']	   = $data['conf_group']['VALUE'];
	$setting['conf_type']		= $data['conf_type']['VALUE'];
	$setting['conf_key']		 = $data['conf_key']['VALUE'];
	$setting['conf_default']	 = $data['conf_default']['VALUE'];
	$setting['conf_extra']	   = $data['conf_extra']['VALUE'];
	$setting['conf_evalphp']	 = $data['conf_evalphp']['VALUE'];
	$setting['conf_protected']   = 1;
	$setting['conf_position']	= $data['conf_position']['VALUE'];
	$setting['conf_start_group'] = $data['conf_start_group']['VALUE'];
	$setting['conf_end_group']   = isset( $data['conf_end_group']['VALUE'] ) ? $data['conf_end_group']['VALUE'] : 0;
	$setting['conf_help_key']	= $data['conf_help_key']['VALUE'];
	$setting['conf_add_cache']   = 1;

	if ( !$this->ipsclass->DB->field_exists( 'conf_help_key', 'conf_settings' ) )
		unset( $setting['conf_help_key'] );

	$this->ipsclass->DB->do_insert( 'conf_settings', $setting );

// Recount a section

function _recount_section( $group )
	$conf = $this->ipsclass->DB->build_and_exec_query( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) AS count',
															  'from'   => 'conf_settings',
															  'where'  => 'conf_group='.$group,
													 )		);

	$this->ipsclass->DB->do_update( 'conf_settings_titles', array( 'conf_title_count' => intval( $conf['count'] ) ), 'conf_title_id='.$group );

// Add a skin template

function _add_template( $data=array() )
	$template = array();

	$template['set_id']				= 1;
	$template['group_name']			= $data['group_name']['VALUE'];
	$template['section_content']	   = $data['section_content']['VALUE'];
	$template['func_name']			 = $data['func_name']['VALUE'];
	$template['func_data']			 = $data['func_data']['VALUE'];
	$template['updated']			   = time();
	$template['group_names_secondary'] = $data['group_names_secondary']['VALUE'];

	if ( !$this->ipsclass->DB->field_exists( 'group_names_secondary', 'skin_templates' ) )
		unset( $template['group_names_secondary'] );

	$this->ipsclass->DB->do_insert( 'skin_templates', $template );

// Add a task

function _add_task( $data=array() )
	require_once( ROOT_PATH.'sources/lib/func_taskmanager.php' );
	$taskfunc		   =  new func_taskmanager();
	$taskfunc->ipsclass =& $this->ipsclass;

	$task = array();

	$task['task_title']	   = $data['task_title']['VALUE'];
	$task['task_file']		= $data['task_file']['VALUE'];
	$task['task_week_day']	= $data['task_week_day']['VALUE'];
	$task['task_month_day']   = $data['task_month_day']['VALUE'];
	$task['task_hour']		= $data['task_hour']['VALUE'];
	$task['task_minute']	  = $data['task_minute']['VALUE'];
	$task['task_cronkey']	 = md5( microtime() );
	$task['task_log']		 = $data['task_log']['VALUE'];
	$task['task_description'] = $data['task_description']['VALUE'];
	$task['task_enabled']	 = $data['task_enabled']['VALUE'];
	$task['task_key']		 = $data['task_key']['VALUE'];
	$task['task_safemode']	= $data['task_safemode']['VALUE'];
	$task['task_next_run']	= $taskfunc->generate_next_run( $task );

	$this->ipsclass->DB->do_insert( 'task_manager', $task );


// Add a help file

function _add_help( $data=array() )
	$help = array();

	$help['title']	   = $data['title']['VALUE'];
	$help['text']		= $data['text']['VALUE'];
	$help['description'] = $data['description']['VALUE'];
	$help['position']	= $data['position']['VALUE'];

	$this->ipsclass->DB->do_insert( 'faq', $help );

// Add an ACP help entry

function _add_acp_help( $data = array() )
	$acp_help = array();

	$acp_help['is_setting']	 = $data['is_setting']['VALUE'];
	$acp_help['page_key']	   = $data['page_key']['VALUE'];
	$acp_help['help_title']	 = $data['help_title']['VALUE'];
	$acp_help['help_body']	  = $data['help_body']['VALUE'];
	$acp_help['help_mouseover'] = $data['help_mouseover']['VALUE'];

	$this->ipsclass->DB->do_insert( 'acp_help', $acp_help );


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Всем привет. Кто сталкивался с подобной проблемой при усатновке усановщика модов , простите за туфталогию.

Итак проблема заключается в том что при заходе в АЦ -> Компоненты -> Установка\ переустновка модов получаем

:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in Z:\home\skynet.ru\www\SkyNet\sources\components_acp\umi.php on line 2048 что делать спращиваеться вот сам файл umi.php


у меня была похожая проблема - я ее решил переустановкой инсталятора, так как заметил, что некоторые файлы криво переписались...

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у меня уже у второго клиента проблемы с UMI. Все из-за русской версии. Думайте сами

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